The Clovis city commission met Thursday at the North Annex of the Clovis-Carver Public Library.
Dan Stoddard was not in attendance.
During the meeting:
- The commission agreed to enter negotiations with Real Golf Management to operate the Colonial Park Golf Course.
Commissioner Randy Crowder said he had no issues with Charlie Maciel of Real Golf Management and was sure he'd do a fine job. But he had concerns with the measure because there were no financial numbers associated with the motion, and he wanted to know if local restaurants would have an opportunity to compete for the food service portion of the contract, without becoming employees of Real Golf Management.
City Attorney David Richards said that because of the governmental liquor license attached, any company operating the golf course would be sub-leasing the license. That company would have to manage all operations at the course and could not, "sub-sub-lease" the liquor license, Richards said.
"You can't split the single building and declare part of it under one license and part of it under another license," Richards said.
Regarding the lack of financial numbers, Commissioner Bobby Sandoval said, "We can't have a monetary figure going into negotiations; that's what negotiations are about."
The commission approved the negotiations unanimously, with the understanding the contract would come back to the commission for approval.
- The commission appointed five members to the new parks and beautification committee — Charlie Corn Jr. (District 1), Wilma Fulgham (District 2), Roper Belew (District 3), Rose Riley (District 4) and Donna Wilson (an at-large rotating position for groups using park services).
- The commission approved $366,814 in parking upgrades at Hillcrest Park. The parking lot will be located near the driving range of the former Clovis Municipal Golf Course.
- Two TIGER grant applications for road repairs were approved. The grants, $4.5 million each, would be for Norris Street between Llano Estacado Boulevard and Wilhite Road and Martin Luther King Boulevard between Llano Estacado and Riata Street.
- Clovis MainStreet's contract was renewed for $35,000. The organization had been operating for the last 10 years at $25,000, despite recommendations from New Mexico MainStreet that it request the $35,000 total.
- A concrete slab was approved for Hillcrest Park, to be used during the Clovis Ethnic Fair, at a cost of $3,245.
- Budget transfers of $3,300 to allow the Local Emergency Planning Committee to send six members to the state conference, repair its building and do community outreach; $4,700 to allow Clovis Area Transit System staff to travel to and attend training; and $9,400 to fix a natural gas line at the Clovis Municipal Airport.
- A 5K run scheduled for May 5 at Hillcrest Park was taken off of the agenda. City Manager Joe Thomas said details still needed to be hammered out.
- The next meeting is scheduled for 5:15 p.m. March 15.
— Compiled by CNJ staff writer Kevin Wilson