Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Club notes - March 18

Altrusa International of Portales

The Altrusa International, Inc. Club of Portales met March 12 in the Central Annex. President Gaynelle Thomas called the meeting to order. There were 17 members and three guests present. Nellie Dyer led the opening ceremonies. The minutes and treasurer's reports were approved.

Lori Bohm gave the Altrusa Accent and Beverly Bennett drew for the Queen of Hearts.

The following slate of officers were elected for 2012-2013: President — Nellie Dyer, vice-president — Linda Leaming, secretary — Candy Rankin, treasurer — Lory Adams, directors — Sharon Stone, Sue Bracksieck, Sheryl Borden and Wanda Pettus. Jo Nell Brooks reported that the delivery for Meals on Wheels was going OK.

The club voted to donate $500 to the Eastern New Mexico Food Bank and to submit an entry for the Governor's Award.

Wanda Pettus introduced Chief Malin Parker and St. Shawn Gore of the Roosevelt County Sheriff's department who talked about meth and synthetic marijuana.

Nellie Dyer, Vice President, announced that the next club meeting would be on March 26, and the Communications Committee is in charge of the program.

Daughters of the American Revolution

The March meeting of the El Portal chapter of the Daughters of the American was held in Clovis at the home of Pam Wallace on March 10. After the opening rituals, the president general's message was read by Karolyn Sailer, national defense minute was read by Cori Snobble about the Vietnam memorial in Angel Fire. Jessie Stauch presented the Indian minute about the Zia symbol. The constitutional quiz was given by CArol Nash and the conservation message was by Vicky Sratton. Carol also announced that Kynzi Creighton, our eight-grade essay winner, won the state competition and will be honored at the state conference. Karolyn Sailer presented a program about William Billings, who is considered the foremost representative of early American music.

— Submitted by Sandra Hays

Association of Educational Retirees

Curry County Association of Educational Retirees met March 6 at Furr's Cafeteria. Jackye Alexander called the meeting to order and led the pledges to the U.S. flag and the N.M. flag. George Milburn gave the invocation.

Sara Hennessey brought a musical group from Bella Vista Elementary, which presented a delightful song and a dance routine. Minuted were printed by Sandra Bates and were approved.

The treasurer's report as printed by Linda Milburn were approved.

Mary Hastain send a bereavement/benevolent report.

Membership report of 275 local members and 272 state members was given by Pam Wallace.

Legislative and Ed Retirement reports were explained by Delman Shirley.

Members were reminded to keep their volunteer hours to be sent to state convention.

E-mail meeting notices will be send and the telephone tree will function.

March birthdays were recognized. Lucy Hartle won the door prize of candles.

Next meeting will April 3 at Furr's.

—Submitted by Marrion Hudson

Fairfield club

The Fairfield club met at 10 a,n, March 9, 10 members were present for a pot luncheon.

A couple of girls in the club made a queen-size quilt each space is a state in the United States. We will have tieckets until November. Money will go to charity.

Next meeting will be on Nov. 23 at Cheyenne Meadows. We will learn how to do crayon painting bring a peice of material and a sack lunch for yourself.

—Submitted by Jean Hardin

National Contract Management Association

The High Plains Chapter of the National Contract Management Association (NCMA) will host its first annual 5K Scholarship Drive on 7:30 p.m. April 14 at Ned Houk Memorial Park. Registration is now open and pre-registration is highly encouraged for the 5k Run/Walk/Sleep In/ and heerleader Team participants can register online at or

Registration fees (includes t-shirt): $25 for the Run/Walk; $20 for sleep in (no running, no walking required); Free for children 11 years old and younger ; and free for the cheerleader team. Registration forms and other event information can be found on or contact us for questions at [email protected]. Post-race refreshments will be provided for registered runners, walkers, and cheerleaders. Special awards will be awarded to top male and female runners; top male and female walkers; best average team time; most participants in a team; and best cheerleader team (people's choice).

— Submitted by Maria Jaine Sipin

Portales Woman's Club

Portales Woman's Club met on March 14 with president, Teresa Howard, presiding. Geralyn Million gave the invocation, the pledges were led by Jan Smartnick, and Howard led the club collect. There were 21 members and three guests present.

The minutes from the February meeting were approved, and the treasurer's report was filed. Correspondence was read and committee reports given. Patrice Tompkins announced that tickets for the Women's Day Out event, scheduled for April 21, were available. Members agreed that Errin Burch will set up a Facebook page to promote the club.

The president asked members to fill out the membership form by the next meeting.

Sheryl Borden, chair of the nominating committee, presented the following slate of officers for 2012: President — Lois Crozier; first vice president — Julie Nickles; second vice president — Beth Davis; third vice president — Beva Spotswood; recording secretary — Anne McMath; corresponding secretary — Mary Lou Rowley and treasurer — Carol Fletcher. Officers will be voted on at the next meeting.

The club voted to donate $50 to the scholarship fund in memory of Cherri Haberer, state treasurer from Albuquerque. Iris Johnson and Della Kobernick were elected as delegates to the state convention, and Mary Mendoza will be the alternate. A board recommendation to allow up to $500 for the reception at convention for the incoming state president was approved.

Dawn Wolf-Taylor, chair of the hostess committee, introduced others on her committee: Johnson, Tompkins, Saundra Myers and Adelaide Speck.

Davis then introduced Curt Jaynes, owner of the GardenSource Nursery and Landscaping in Portales, who talked about drought resistant plants, and ways to care for shrubs and trees.

The next meeting will be on April 11.

— Submitted by Sheryl Borden