Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Clovis High senior spends day as county manager

Clovis senior Taylor Ann Marez was chosen from four high school applicants to become "county manager for a day."

CNJ staff photo: Tony Bullocks

Clovis senior Taylor Ann Marez was chosen from four high school applicants to become "county manager for a day."

Marez, an honor student and captain of the softball team, spent Friday shadowing Curry County Manager Lance Pyle, met state Sen. Clinton D. Harden of Clovis, hired a county employee and participated in a radio interview with KTQM-FM.

"After today, I really have an interest in public service," Marez said.

We asked Marez to tell us about her day as county manager and a little about herself.

What was the best part of your day?

I got to sit in a hiring interview and ask the applicant, "What do think you can bring to the job?" Afterwards, Mr. Pyle and I discussed him and I got to tell him he was hired.

What was the worst part of your day?

Touring the juvenile detention center. It was scary. It was so barren and cold and lifeless. I never want to go there again.

Where do you think all of your accomplishments are leading you?

I want to make something great of myself or have an influence on someone's life. I'll be the first person in my family to go to college. I want to make my parents proud.

What do you do for fun?

I'm so busy the only day off I have is Sunday, and I do my homework then. A friend and I started a post-it-note craze though. We fill out hundreds of post-it notes with encouraging messages and then stick them all over a coach's or a teacher's house. It's always good to let people know how amazing they are.

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