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Auctioneer raises money to fight cancer

Auctioneering is not only how Robert Rosales earns part of his income but is also how he raises money to help in the battle against cancer.

CNJ staff photo: Benna Sayyed

Rosales, auctioneer for Rocking R Auctions and owner of Affordable Pest Control, coordinated the Team Roundup a Cure auction Saturday to raise money for the Clovis Relay For Life on May 11.

His most recent auction, Team Roundup a Cure, was held Saturday to raise money for the Clovis Relay For Life on May 11.

Rosales said his inspiration to participate in this charity comes from witnessing two close family friends struggling with cancer. One friend, Kristine Weaver, a local veterinarian, lost her battle with the disease in the second half of 2010. Another friend, Chris Pettigrew, survived.

"The more folks we meet we realize the way cancer actually affects everybody's lives," said Rosales, who is from Albuquerque but has lived in Clovis since 2003. "Growing up, cancer was seven tiers away from somebody we know. As we're getting older and meeting new folks, it's getting to be either we know the folks with cancer or it's their family member we know. So it's dropped from seven levels of separation to one or two."

Rosales and his wife, Jolene, started raising money for the relay in 2011. He said they have gotten great satisfaction from their charity work, although they know few of the people they are helping.

Rosales' father-in-law, Bobby Aragon, lost his sister to cancer when she was 39 and admires Rosales' benevolence.

"Robert is a go-getter and a hard worker," said Aragon, auctioneer for Aragon's Auction Service in Mosquero. "He's dedicated with just about anything he does."

Rosales, auctioneer for Rocking R Auctions and owner of Affordable Pest Control, said he has been attending auctions for as long as he can remember. He started with cattle auctions.

Auctioneering takes him around the state and around the region and he follows anything but a traditional work schedule.

"I get to meet new people from across the country and across the world and make a lot of new friends."

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