Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

5 Questions with Clovis High senior Trevaun Sanders

Editor's note: This is part of a continuing series of profiles on graduating Clovis High seniors. Graduation is 10 a.m. Saturday at the Curry County Events Center.

Trevaun Sanders

Trevaun Sanders has managed to excel despite his rough start in life.

The oldest of three brothers, Sanders was born three and a half months premature, according to his mother, Kim Tipton.

But by the time he was in fourth grade, Sanders was reading high school classics such "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."

"I still love to read," Sanders said. "My favorite genre is adventure. I'm currently reading books by John Flanagan and Tamora Pierce."

Sanders played soccer in high school and received dual college credits in photography, biology and state history.

He is enrolled in the engineering program at New Mexico Tech, in Socorro, and his goal is to build his own house, Hollywood style.

If you could be on the cover of any magazine, which one would it be?

"Time Life," for if I was on it, it would mean I did something so great it made a difference. My interviewer would be a random teenager, that way we could talk about anything.

What is your biggest fear or concern as you head out into the adult world?

That I fail to live up everyone's expectations, mine especially, and that my shoes are always nearby.

If you were president for a day, what is the one issue you would address first?

The country's infrastructure and that everyone needs to laugh at least once a day.

What is the one thing you won't miss about high school? Why?

My heavy as heck backpack, cuz it's a heavy backpack.

Why do you think goal setting is important and how has it helped you?

Goals are only as important as your willingness to follow them, and they're helpful for answering questions like this. Setting goals lets you know how close you are to achieving your plans.

To suggest a candidate for a profile contact CNJ staff writer Tonjia Rolan at 763-6991 or [email protected]