Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
amos the churchmouse:
a view from under the pew
Editor's note: Amos is a churchmouse, who types by hopping on a computer keyboard, but he can't operate the capital shift, and he shuns punctuation marks – except hyphens and dashes.
the broken-hearted beetle
boss pastor leroy had
a guest speaker during
services last week in the
church pew underworld
the speaker turned out
to be londa the ladybug
missionary who had
traveled overseas to
witness to the bugs
bees birds and beetles
while there she met a
an elderly japanese beetle
who wanted to give
her heart and soul to jesus
londa wanted to help
her with her decision
but didn t want to create
any anxiety distress or
embarrassment for her
so instead of asking
difficult theological
questions londa placed
one of her little ladybug
arms around the old
japanese beetle and
gently said tell me a
story about jesus
joy the japanese
beetle s little face
lit up as she began
the simple recital
of her faith
she told about how
jesus was born of a
young virgin how he
was filled with the
spirit of god
tempted in the
wilderness taught
thousands of people
fed the five thousand
healed the sick lame
and blind
raised the dead to life
and told wonderful
parables about god s
kingdom and life
but then boss she came
to the midnight prayer
throes of jesus in the
garden and the betrayal
kiss the arrest by the
temple soldiers and
the mock trial of the
son of god in the
courts of men
as she spoke about
the crown of thorns
the whipping of his
back with the
and his collapsing
under the weight of
the cross along the
via dolorosa
joy the japanese beetle
began to weep and for
a long time couldn t
speak at all boss
she was about to tell
how they drove the nails
into his hands and his
feet but she couldn t
talk any more she began
to sob uncontrollably
finally joy was able to
compose herself and in a
tearful broken voice
she just murmured - i
can t tell that part
it breaks my heart -
boss i don t know how
others may feel but
sometimes in my own
little mousy way i find
myself becoming hard and
calloused about what jesus
did for me
part of the revival we
need in the church pew
underworld is a heart like
joy s - one broken with
the thought of jesus
suffering and dying on
our behalf