Portales police, sheriff and fire call logs:
- 2:34 p.m.: Officer requested a case number, 1600 block of East Spruce.
- 2:45 p.m.: Caller has questions regarding a civil matter, 1100 block of West 14th.
- 3:08 p.m.: Caller reported loud music, 900 block of North Avenue I.
- 4:36 p.m.: Caller reported an animal problem, Fifth Street and Avenue A.
- 6 p.m.: Caller requested to speak with a deputy, 700 block of Southern Hills Pine Road.
- 6:31 p.m.: Caller requested an officer for a possible fight, South Avenue G and West University.
- 6:43 p.m.: Caller requested a close patrol throughout the weekend, 100 block of East Ivy.
- 6:48 p.m.: Ambulance transfer to Lubbock, U.S. 70.
- 6:55 p.m.: Caller reported cattle in the highway, South Roosevelt Road 3.
- 8:29 p.m.: Caller reported a stray dog, N.M. 88.
- 9:06 p.m.: Caller requested to speak to an officer, Portales.
- 9:40 p.m.: Caller reported a noise disturbance, 1000 block of West First Street.
- 10:02 p.m.: Caller reported loud music, 800 block of South Abilene.
- 10:10 p.m.: Caller reported a possible grass fire, Dora.
- 11:35 p.m.: Caller reported a bull on the roadway, N.M. 236.
- 12:34 a.m.: Life line reported an alarm and requested an ambulance, 1900 block of Avenue I.
- 1:54 a.m.: Caller reported a battery, 1600 block of South Avenue D.
- 4:35 a.m.: Caller requested an ambulance, 1600 block of South Avenue D.
- 5:39 a.m.: Caller reported a telephone pole on the roadway, N.M. 467.
- 7:06 a.m.: Caller reported a power pole down, N.M. 467 and Roosevelt Road 3.
- 7:27 a.m.: Caller reported a cat in trap, 2300 block of Santo Domingo.
- 8:04 a.m.: Caller reported stray animals, 500 block of East Brazos.
- 8:33 a.m.: Caller requested to speak to a deputy, 100 block of Airport Road.
- 8:49 a.m.: Caller reported vicious stray dogs, 1000 block of East Brazos.
- 8:51 a.m.: Caller reported a dead cat in the area, 1100 block of North Avenue J.
- 9:16 a.m.: Caller requested to file a missing person report, 1700 block of North Boston.
- 9:30 a.m.: Caller requested an ambulance for a fall victim, 1700 block of Bingham Stratton.
- 9:32 a.m.: Caller requested animal control for an issue with a parrot, 200 block of Texas Drive.
- 9:36 a.m.: Caller reported a cat in a trap, 1000 block of South Main.
- 9:39 a.m.: Caller requested to speak to animal control regarding cat traps, 1600 block of East Amazon.
- 9:45 a.m.: Caller reported a possible drunken driver, 400 block of West 18th Street.
- 10:48 a.m.: Caller requested to speak with a deputy, Roosevelt County.
- 11:06 a.m.: Caller requested to speak with a deputy, Roosevelt County.
- 11:39 a.m.: Caller reported a stray puppy, 1100 block of West 14th Lane.
- 11:47 a.m.: Caller reported a civil matter over child custody, 1100 block of West 18th Lane.
- 12:03 p.m.: Caller requested an ambulance for a severe nose bleed, 100 block of New Mexico Drive.
- 12:14 p.m.: Caller requested to speak with a deputy, Portales.
- 12:24 p.m.: Caller reported a bill not being hers, 1700 block of North Boston.
- 12:45 p.m.: Caller requested an ambulance for breathing problems, 200 block of East Juniper.
- 1:19 p.m.: Caller had questions about an infant seat, 1700 block of North Boston.
- 1:29 p.m.: Caller reported goats in their yard, 200 block of South Roosevelt Road R.
- 2:39 p.m.: Caller reported that their keys were stolen, 400 block of South Roosevelt Road U.
- 3:23 p.m.: Caller reported an alarm from a shop, 400 block of West Fir.
- 4:22 p.m.: Caller requested a welfare check, 900 block of East Amazon.
- 4:35 p.m.: Ambulance transfer to a residence in Portales, U.S. 70.
- 4:38 p.m.: Caller reported an erratic driver on the highway, U.S. 70.
- 4:52 p.m.: Caller reported harassment, 1600 block of South Avenue E.
- 4:59 p.m.: Caller reported a possible grass fire, west of Elida.
- 5:34 p.m.: Caller reported a parking problem, 1000 block of East Brazos.
- 6:28 p.m.: Caller reported a possible breaking and entering, Portales.
- 6:35 p.m.: Caller reported an activated alarm, 1300 block of North Avenue M.
- 6:50 p.m.: Caller requested to speak to an officer, Portales.
- 7:09 p.m.: Caller requested a close patrol, 800 block of East Third.
- 7:12 p.m.: Caller requested an ambulance for a possible stroke, 1400 block of South Avenue G.
- 7:47 p.m.: Caller reported a fight, 700 block of East Canadian.
- 8:22 p.m.: Caller reported a vehicle accident with injuries, Spruce and Kilgore.
- 8:52 p.m.: Caller reported suspicious activity, 1100 block of West Fir.
- 9 p.m.: Caller reported fireworks, 900 block of East Canadian.
- 9:07 p.m.: Caller requested to speak with an officer, Lovington.
- 9:13 p.m.: Caller reported a grass fire, 2000 block of South Roosevelt Road 6.
- 9:14 p.m.: Caller requested information on a subject, 2000 block of South Roosevelt Road 6.
- 9:25 p.m.: Caller reported an elderly female walking in a field, 1700 block of South Avenue O.
- 9:50 p.m.: Caller requested an ambulance for a subject that was sprayed, 1700 block of North Boston.
- 9:53 p.m.: Ambulance transfer to a residence in Portales, U.S. 70.
- 10:02 p.m.: Caller reported a possible structure fire, Elida.
- 10:24 p.m.: Caller reported a noise disturbance, 500 block of West 17th Street.
- 10:56 p.m.: Elida fireman reported a grass fire, Elida.
- 11:21 p.m.: Caller reported a battery, 400 block of North Avenue L.
- 11:32 p.m.: Caller reported a battery, Milnesand.
- 11:45 p.m.: Caller requested an ambulance for a subject in severe pain, 100 block of Yucca Drive.
- 12:04 a.m.: Caller reported loud music, N.M. 236 and South Roosevelt Road W.
- 12:34 a.m.: Caller reported a grass fire, N.M. 330.
- 1:24 a.m.: Caller reported a possible drunken driver, North Kilgore.
- 1:32 a.m.: Caller reported a motor vehicle accident, 700 block South Main.
- 2 a.m.: Caller requested an ambulance, 1500 South Roosevelt Road 6.
- 2:53 a.m.: Caller reported shots fired, 1600 block South Avenue E.
- 4:02 a.m.: Caller reported an irate drunk individual, 100 block West Ninth Street.
- 4:26 p.m.: Caller reported a noise disturbance, 300 block South Roosevelt Road P.
- 5:34 a.m.: Caller reported a noise disturbance, South Main Avenue.
- 5:39 a.m.: Caller requested a subject removal, 100 block West Ninth Street.
- 6:44 a.m.: Caller reported a cat in a trap, 1100 block North Austin.
- 7:08 a.m.: Caller reported a general resident alarm, N.M. 88.
- 7:28 a.m.: Caller reported a cat in a trap, 1100 block West University.
- 7:31 a.m.: Caller requested an officer, 800 block South Avenue B.
- 7:54 a.m.: Caller reported a cat in a trap, 800 block West 19th Street.
- 8:13 a.m.: Caller reported a cut down flag pole, 700 block Golden Acres.
- 8:19 a.m.: Caller reported two stray dogs chasing people, 800 block West 19th Street.
- 10:12 a.m.: Caller reported a motor vehicle accident, 18th Street and Avenue I.
- 11:15 a.m.: Caller requested a welfare check on their son, 700 block South Roosevelt Road R.
- 11:15 a.m., Caller reported a child custody dispute, 500 block North Avenue B.
- 11:51 a.m.: Caller reported a rat bite, 500 block South Avenue G.
- 12:50 p.m.: Caller reported a motor vehicle accident at McDonald's parking lot.
- 1:55 p.m.: Caller requested an officer for questions regarding a civil matter, 100 block Oklahoma Drive.
- 3:44 p.m.: Caller requested a deputy regarding a threat, Walk up.
- 4:27 p.m.: Caller reported a general alarm, 700 block East Lime.
- 6:12 p.m.: Caller reported her dog missing, 2200 block East 12th Street.
- 6:45 p.m.: Officer responded to flares going up as a possible grass fire, 1800 block New Mexico 236.
- 7:10 p.m.: Caller requested to speak to an officer, Walk up.
- 7:27 p.m.: Caller reported a possible drunk driver, U.S. 70 near Kenna.
- 8:31 p.m.: Caller reported loud music, 600 North Avenue B.
- 8:58 p.m.: Caller requested to speak with an officer. Officer called back.
- 9 p.m.: Caller reported criminal damage, 300 block South Roosevelt Road R 1/2.
- 9:34 p.m.: Caller reported a domestic situation, 1100 block West Fir.
- 9:54 p.m.: Caller reported loud music coming from a vehicle, 1000 block East Amazon.
- 10:17 p.m.: Caller reported a suspicious vehicle, Storage on Avenue O.
- 11:37 p.m.: Caller requested a close patrol, 900 block West 17th Street.
- 12:06 a.m.: Officer requested a case number concerning a narcotics violation.
- 3:01 a.m.: Caller reported possible gun shots or fireworks, 900 block North Avenue I.
- 8:35 a.m.: Caller has a subject that needs to be picked up, U.S. 70.
- 8:41 a.m.: Caller reported losing his i-Pad, 500 block South Abilene.
- 9:08 a.m.: Caller reported an alarm, 1000 block East First Street.