Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Pilot pays visit to Portales library

Capt. Matthew Beaubien, 318th Special Operations Squadron pilot, made an appearance June 28 at the Portales Public Library to talk to kids about what he and other Air Commandos do at Cannon Air Force Base.

USAF: Airman 1st Class Alexxis Pons Abascal

U.S. Air Force Capt. Matthew Beaubien, 318th Special Operations Squadron pilot, prepares to launch a paper airplane as part of a challenge June 28 at the Portales Public Library. Beaubien participated in the library's summer reading program, providing kids with information about Cannon Air Force Base.

The visit was part of the library's summer reading program and Beaubien actively engaged children in conversation, taking the time to ask what each wanted to be when they grow up.

The 318 SOS pilot brought along a flight helmet and allowed kids to try it on, giving them a glimpse of what flyers see through regularly.

Beaubien wrapped up his visit at the library with a paper airplane folding and flight challenge that tested his skills as a pilot. The pilot was given verbal instruction on how to fold three paper airplanes. Upon completion, kids took the Air Commando outside to see how his feats of paper engineering performed.

The children eagerly thanked the pilot for his visit and had photos taken with him. Several told Beaubien before leaving that they now dreamed of being pilots when they grow up.