Portales police, sheriff and fire call logs:
- 3:15 p.m.: Deputy advised of a bench warrant, 1700 block of North Boston.
- 4:02 p.m.: Caller reported stray dogs in area, 900 block of West 17th Street.
- 5:18 p.m.: Caller requested to speak to an officer regarding a civil matter, 300 block of East 18th Street.
- 5:47 p.m.: Caller requested a standby, 500 block of West Sixth Street.
- 6:11 p.m.: Caller reported a grass fire, Milnesand.
- 6:14 p.m.: Caller requested an officer for a welfare check, 400 block of South Avenue E.
- 6:15 p.m.: Caller reported a possible breaking and entering, 300 block of East Rose.
- 6:35 p.m.: Caller requested a deputy for a subject removal, 200 block of South Roosevelt Road U.
- 7 p.m.: Caller requested a deputy for an animal problem, 200 block of South Roosevelt Road R.
- 7:13 p.m.: Caller reported a runaway, Portales.
- 7:25 p.m.: Caller reported a possible suicidal subject, 800 block of South Dallas.
- 7:54 p.m.: Caller requested deputies regarding a domestic situation, 1900 block of Westview Garnet Road.
- 8:33 p.m.: Caller reported children throwing fireworks at each other, 500 block of South Avenue D.
- 8:42 p.m.: Caller requested to speak to an officer, 800 block of North Avenue L.
- 8:48 p.m.: Caller reported cattle on the roadway, N.M. 467.
- 8:55 p.m.: Caller reported a possible drunk driver, N.M. 467.
- 9:15 p.m.: Caller reported they lost their wallet, Elida.
- 10 p.m.: Caller requested close patrol, 1900 block of South Avenue I.
- 10:20 p.m.: Caller reported a hit dog, 800 block of North Avenue J.
- 10:21 p.m.: Caller requested to speak with an officer, Portales.
- 10:34 p.m.: Caller reported a loud party, 1900 block of Wylie Cox.
- 10:51 p.m.: Caller reported a dog on the side of the road, 900 block of West 14th Street.
- 11:14 p.m.: Caller requested to speak with an officer, Portales.
- 11:18 p.m.: Caller requested an officer regarding suspicious activity, 1300 block of South Avenue I.
- 11:19 p.m.: Caller reported a loud party, 1000 block of South Abilene.
- 11:42 p.m.: Caller reported a loud party, Main and 14th Street.
- 1:10 a.m.: Caller reported yelling and fighting outside of their house, 900 block of West 17th Street.
- 2:02 a.m.: Officer requested a case number for found property, 100 block of North Chicago.
- 4:32 a.m.: Caller requested an ambulance for a subject having a seizure, 600 block of West Third Street.
- 5:56 a.m.: Caller reported a water leak at the intersection, First Street and Avenue I.
- 6:11 a.m.: Caller requested an ambulance for a man who fell on the sidewalk, 700 block of Wylie Cox.
- 7:15 a.m.: Officer reported that there was a loose aggressive yellow dog in the construction zone, 17th Street and Avenue K.
- 7:49 a.m.: Caller reported a missing dog: a small to medium chow, red to brown in color with no collar and goes by the name of Sugarbear. Took off in the direction of the Bethel Highway, 800 block of North Avenue M.
- 8:01 a.m.: Caller reported a dead dog in the road, 600 block of West Second Street.
- 8:47 a.m.: Caller reported a burglary in a storage building, 200 block of West Railroad.
- 8:49 a.m.: Caller requested an ambulance for an ill female, 1700 block of Bingham Stratton.
- 9:37 a.m.: Caller requested an ambulance for an unresponsive female, 700 block of West 15th Street.
- 10:21 a.m.: Caller reported a motor vehicle accident without injury, N.M. 88.
- 11:02 a.m.: Caller reported a dispute between a landlord and tenant, 200 block of East 10th Street.
- 11:27 a.m.: Caller requested a standby to get property, 1900 block of South Avenue I.
- 12:45 p.m.: Caller requested a subject removal, 1100 block of West Fir.
- 4:08 p.m.: Caller requested animal control to pick up a cat trap, 1100 block of North Austin.
- 4:15 p.m.: Caller requested deputies, N.M. 267.
- 4:33 p.m.: Caller reported shoplifting, 1600 block of East Spruce.
- 5:20 p.m.: Caller requested an officer, Industrial Road.
- 5:22 p.m.: Caller reported criminal damage, 700 block of West Fifth Street.
- 6:10 p.m.: Caller reported shoplifting, 1600 block of East Spruce.
- 7:16 p.m.: Caller reported several drunk individuals, 700 block of Wylie Cox Circle.
- 7:32 p.m.: Caller reported an animal problem, 1200 block of Gemini Circle,
- 7:52 p.m.: Caller reported juveniles walking down the road, N.M. 267.
- 8:12 p.m.: Caller reported firework issues, 500 block of West 17th Street.
- 9:58 p.m.: Caller reported loud fireworks, Avenue E and 17th Street.
- 10:17 p.m.: Caller requested a welfare check, West Sapphire Lane.
- 10:30 p.m.: Caller requested an officer for a juvenile problem, 300 block of North Chicago.
- 11:01 p.m.: Caller reported an issue with her mom, 1100 block of North Avenue A.
- 3:06 a.m.: Caller reported a disagreement with a roommate, 2100 block South Avenue I.
- 4:02 a.m.: Caller requested an officer to retrieve her belongings from a house, 2000 block South Roosevelt Road 7.
- 4:04 a.m.: Caller requested a subject removal, 2000 block South Roosevelt Road 7.
- 5:34 a.m.: Caller reported credit card fraud, 100 block Chicago.
- 6:04 a.m.: Caller reported a medical alarm was set off, 1900 block South Avenue G.
- 8:03 a.m.: Caller reported a possible domestic situation, 400 block North Avenue B.
- 8:20 a.m.: Caller reported a missing goat, Roosevelt Road T and N.M. 236.
- 8:34 a.m.: Caller asked for a case-follow up regarding their daughter, walk up.
- 8:47 a.m.: Caller requested a welfare check on a female subject, 700 block East Brazos.
- 9:51 a.m.: Caller reported animals on the road, New Mexico 330 and Roosevelt Road 7.
- 9:52 a.m.: Caller requested an officer to check on the parking lot of Verizon, 1000 block West Second Street.
- 11:50 a.m.: Caller reported suspicious subjects, 2000 block West Beech.
- 12:22 p.m.: Caller reported loud music, 1800 block West 18th Street.
- 12:29 p.m.: Caller requested a close patrol, 900 block West 17th Street.
- 12:29 p.m.: Caller requested to speak to an officer regarding a previous call, walk up.
- 12:30 p.m.: Caller reported a possible burglary in progress, 600 block South Avenue B.
- 2:49 p.m.: Caller requested a welfare check, 300 block Westview Sapphire Lane.
- 3:10 p.m.: Officer requested a case number, 100 block Colorado Drive.
- 3:48 p.m.: Caller requested an officer, 500 block North Avenue A.
- 3:55 p.m.: Caller requested an officer, 1300 block South Avenue E.
- 4:21 p.m.: Caller reported a hit and run, walk up.
- 4:30 p.m.: Caller reported criminal damage, 1600 block East Spruce.
- 6:44 p.m.: Caller reported a suicidal subject, walk up.
- 7:04 p.m.: Caller requested a close patrol, 100 block East Ivy.
- 7:23 p.m.: Caller requested an ambulance, 2200 block South Roosevelt Road 5 1/2.
- 8:41 p.m.: Caller requested deputies form a subject removal, 2200 block South Roosevelt Road 5 1/2.
- 8:43 p.m.: Caller reported a delayed report on a hit and run, 300 block West 16th Street.
- 9:08 p.m.: Caller reported a domestic situation, 800 block East Amazon.
- 9:25 p.m.: Caller requested an officer to attempt to locate a subject, 700 block West 14th Street.
- 9:35 p.m.: Caller reported criminal trespassing, 300 block South Roosevelt Road R 1/2.
- 9:40 p.m.: Caller reported a traffic hazard, 1300 block South Avenue I.
- 10:57 p.m.: Caller reported a noise disturbance, 500 block South Avenue E.
- 11:44 p.m.: Caller requested an officer for assault and battery, 1100 block West University.
- 11:59 p.m.: Officer requested a case number for altered registration plate, 200 block South Avenue D.
- 2:02 a.m.: Caller requested a deputy for a domestic situation, 100 block Main Avenue.
- 8:09 a.m.: Caller reported a woman at his door, 2200 block South Roosevelt Road 6.
- 8:17 a.m.: Caller reported finding a woman's items outside a store, 1000 block West Second Street.
- 8:30 a.m.: Caller reported a stray cat, 1300 block South Avenue I.
- 8:59 a.m.: Caller reported a vehicle parked in parking lot with broken windows, 1600 block East Spruce.
- 9:02 a.m.: Caller reported a stove on fire, 1300 block South Avenue B.