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Q&A: Lifeguard on the lookout

Amber Durand keeps a watchful eye on swimmers in the Portales city swimming pool. The 21-year-old lifeguard and Eastern New Mexico University student from Washington, answered questions about her duties of her summer job.

What are your responsibilities as a lifeguard?

Keep the kids from running and making sure swimmers follow all of the pool rules.

Amber Durand, 21, is a student at Eastern New Mexico University and a lifeguard at Portales Swimming Pool.

What is required of you to be a lifeguard?

You must be at least 16. You must also have certifications for being a lifeguard and CPR as well as first aid. Of course you need to know how to swim.

How many people do you watch over on a daily basis?

200 to 275 a day on average. The bigger the crowd, the more you have to keep an eye on every inch of the pool.

How many times a day do you blow your lifeguard whistle and what violations do you see the most?

At least 15 times a day. I blow my whistle the most for running and people throwing other people in the pool.

What actions do swimmers do that makes you really nervous?

When kids float on their stomach or bob up and down. Little ones who also hold onto the wall give me a mini heart attack.

Have you personally saved a life? If not, have you witnessed a life being saved?

No, this is my first year as a lifeguard. Recently a little child jumped off the diving board and thought he could doggy paddle to the side but he couldn't. One of the lifeguards had to dive in and save him.

Recently a Florida lifeguard was fired for leaving his post to save a swimmer outside of his coverage zone at a Florida beach. He was offered his job back but he declined. What would you have done?

I'd probably still be a lifeguard but not at that place. I understand rules are strict but you should still help others struggling and not let them drown.

What are your future plans?

Being a lifeguard is a good summer job but my future plans involve me studying to be a nutritionist or a dietitian; something in the medical field.