Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Police blotter: July 15

Portales police, sheriff and fire call logs:


  • 12:24 p.m.: Caller has a complaint about her landlord, 1700 block of North Boston.
  • 12:30 p.m.: Caller requested a welfare check, 700 block of South Avenue C.
  • 12:37 p.m.: Caller reported that there is a male harassing her at work, 200 block of South Main.
  • 12:56 p.m.: Caller reported a drunk individual, U.S. 70.
  • 1:01 p.m.: Caller requested an ambulance for a male that hit his tooth, ENMU.
  • 1:17 p.m.: Caller reported a civil issues, 1700 block of North Boston.
  • 1:24 p.m.: Caller reported a possible burglary, 200 block of West Rail Road.
  • 2:13 p.m.: Caller reported that she hit someone's vehicle in the parking lot, 300 block of West Second Street.
  • 3:59 p.m.: Caller requested a welfare check on his wife and kids, 1800 block of South Roosevelt Road 10.
  • 5:04 p.m.: Caller has questions regarding the town, 1700 block of North Boston.
  • 5:12 p.m.: Caller requested an officer, would not talk to dispatch, 100 block of Airport Road.
  • 5:58 p.m.: Caller reported someone broke into her house, 800 block of East First Street.
  • 6:34 p.m.: Caller reported a stray dog, University and Avenue O.
  • 9:26 p.m.: Caller requested an officer regarding a fight, 400 block of North Main.
  • 9:57 p.m.: Caller requested an officer, 1000 block of West University.
  • 9:59 p.m.: Caller reported that someone had stolen beer from the store, 1000 block of West Second.
  • 11:31 p.m.: Caller reported a loud party, 600 block of North Avenue A.


  • 1:34 a.m.: Caller requested a standby, 1100 block of West Fir.
  • 2:29 a.m.: Caller requested a follow-up regarding criminal damage, 900 block of West 16th.
  • 7:25 a.m.: Caller requested a funeral escort, 200 block of South Avenue D.
  • 7:36 a.m.: Caller reported a missing puppy: Nine-month-old blue great Dane with white on its chest and blue eyes. Goes by the name of "Bully" and has a Harley Davidson studded collar, 700 block of West 16th Street.
  • 8:50 a.m.: Report of a warrant, U.S. 70.
  • 9:06 a.m.: Caller reported harassment, 800 block of West Second Street.
  • 9:48 a.m.: Caller reported dogs chasing her cats 1100 block of East Brazos.
  • 10:03 a.m.: Caller reported a dog chasing a female, 700 block of West 17th Lane.
  • 10:21 a.m.: Caller reported a fraud money order, 500 block of West 18th Street.
  • 10:26 a.m.: Caller reported a water leak, 1200 block of West First Street.
  • 10:46 a.m.: Caller reported loud music, 18th Street and Avenue I.
  • 11:05 a.m.: Bench warrant service, 1700 block of North Boston.
  • 11:18 a.m.: Caller reported horse by the old sale barn, NM 267.
  • 11:26 a.m.: Caller reported a dumpster fire, 1500 block of South Avenue J.
  • 11:43 a.m.: Caller reported items stolen, 700 block of East Second Street.
  • 12:15 p.m.: Caller requested to speak to a deputy, 100 block of Airport Road.
  • 12:37 p.m.: Caller requested an ambulance, complaining of high blood pressure, 1200 block of West Fir.
  • 12:40 p.m.: Caller reported a cow in the roadway, Dora.
  • 1:09 p.m.: Caller reported a possible sex crime, 100 block of Airport Road.
  • 1:10 p.m.: Caller requested traffic control, Second Street and Avenue I.
  • 1:12 p.m.: Caller requested an ambulance for a collapsed female, 1600 block of South Avenue D.
  • 1:35 p.m.: Caller requested a welfare check on a few dogs, 900 block of East Danube.
  • 1:37 p.m.: Caller reported shoplifting, 1600 block of East Spruce.
  • 1:39 p.m.: Caller reported a knocked down stop sign, 1000 block of West Second Street.
  • 2:17 p.m.: Caller has questions for an officer regarding a civil matter, 1700 block of North Boston.
  • 2:45 p.m.: Caller reported a fight, 200 block of East Quince,
  • 3:13 p.m.: Ambulance transfer to Roswell, U.S. 70.
Rendered 01/17/2025 19:40