Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

God puts zest in living

Of all the wonderful blessings we have been given in this life the thing I love the most is the Lord. Just to know that Jesus died for all of us and to live forever in heaven is such a joy. Won't it be great to see those who have already gone. We will see them again.

Our loved ones here we share and enjoy their company. My aunts in the rest home blossomed when they saw us coming. Our children are grown and gone but we relish the times we get together.

I'm a "people" person. I enjoy people. I like to "send thought" prayers at people.

We were sitting behind a couple at church recently. I sent a "thought prayer." I asked the Lord to bless them in every way. Suddenly they turned around, smiled and greeted us warmly.

We don't have to just send prayers at church. We can send them anywhere.

A helicopter flies over my house and I send a prayer to whoever is in it. We could do the same thing when we hear or see an ambulance or fire truck. We may never know who we are praying for but God knows.

God will never leave nor forsake us. Through His son we have been given eternal life and that keeps our focus straight.

Even our friends are happy to see each other. We enjoy the time we spend with them. It's all about being together. It's love. It's family.

It's a delight.

I think that our God delights in us. Psalm 37:4. "Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." (KJV)

Enjoying God is enjoying life. Enjoying God is an attitude of gratitude. Enjoying God puts zest in living. Knowing God will never leave nor forsake us we have been given eternal life and that keeps our focus on life. It will put a spring in your step and a song in your heart. At night maybe I haven't thought of a particular hymn but I awaken and a certain song is in my spirit. I know God has been singing over me.

God walks daily with us in every circumstance. That thrills our soul and gives us peace.

Take time to enjoy God today. Delight to be in his presence. You will be greatly rewarded. Your day will be better and the delight will make you happy.

Enjoy the Lord!