Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Meetings watch: County commission

At a Roosevelt County Commission meeting today in the Commission Room at the county courthouse, commissioners:

  • Heard a report from U.S. Department of Agriculture representative Cliff Ruppert.

Ruppert said he is busy taking care of coyote problems at county dairies and prairie dog problems in various parts of the county.

  • Approved a request to donate proceeds from events with the Roosevelt County Events Arena to the county to construct a cover for an arena runout.
  • Appointed Elida's Randy Lee as a temporary member to the vacancy on the Roosevelt County Hospital Board until board member elections next month.

The board member vacancy came open with the death of Elida resident Fred Anthony, who was recently killed in a motor vehicle accident.

  • Agreed to look for better options of keeping track of county residents who dump trash at the Convenience Center in the city.

Commissioners discussed the possibility of checking the ID of those dumping trash at the center.

County Manager Charlene Webb said she would talk to City Manager Tom Howell about other options.

  • Approved a contract between Roosevelt County and eCivis for grant application for peer review services.

eCivis will alert county administrators to grant application opportunities which they qualify for.

  • Approved the renewal of contract for inmate health care between Roosevelt County and Correctional Healthcare Companies.

Roosevelt County Detention Center Administrator David Casanova asked commissioners to fund the detention center for full-time nursing services instead of only part-time.

Commissioners decided against increasing the nursing services for the detention center because it would increase the monthly cost from $11,185 to $22,000.

The contract will remain at part-time nursing services.

  • Approved an agreement for inmate confinement between Santa Fe County and Roosevelt County.
  • Tabled a sand dumping fee agreement between Roosevelt County and sellers until the agreement could be worded differently.

Road Department Director Ricky Lovato and county lawyer Richard Queener were concerned about the terms dumping and disposing sand and preferred other terms, such as re-locating.

The agreement will state that the county will pay county land owners $10 per month during the time they are re-locating sand onto the individual's property.

  • Approved the renewal of a mutual agreement between Roosevelt County and the U.S. Department of Agriculture for Wildlife Services.
  • Approved an agreement between Roosevelt County and Valencia County to house Valencia County inmates.
  • Approved a resolution adopting a Roosevelt County Road Review Advisory Committee.

Each commissioner will select one county resident to serve on the board to make unbiased decision concerning road closures.

  • Approved a donation of an ambulance from Milnesand Volunteer Fire Department to the City of Portales for Emergency Management Services.
  • Postponed awarding a bid for one used, self-propelled telescopic boom, because no bids had been received.

Webb will be putting out requests for bids again.

  • Approved lifting the fire ban from the county.
  • Heard reports from elected officials/department heads.

Roosevelt County Sheriff's Office Chief Deputy Malin Parker told commissioners that metal thefts have declined in the county.

Casanova reported that Curry County paid the RCDC $30,000 last month to house inmates.

County Clerk Janet Collins said the county is less than 90 days from its next election.