Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Police Blotter - August 22

Here is a sampling of police, sheriff and fire call logs:


12:35 a.m.: Caller reported her boyfriend and her brother were fighting, 1000 block of MLK.

2:43 a.m.: Caller reported two younger males stole a 12-pack of beer, 1500 block of Mabry.

6:25 a.m.: Caller found a pistol laying on the ground, 700 block of Main.

7:08 a.m.: Caller's car was attacked by three large dogs, 600 block of Sunrise.

8:01 a.m.: Callers were possibly jumped. Callers are Spanish speaking only, 900 block of Lea.

9:55 a.m.: Caller said he is a citizen who apprehended two shoplifters, 1500 block of Sycamore.

11:23 a.m.: Caller reported a male harassing him over a payment at a mechanic shop, 2500 block of West Seventh.

12:21 p.m.: Caller found a bullet in the parking lot, 1500 block of Mabry.

12:50 p.m.: Call in reference to theft of lawn furniture, 200 block of Buccaneer Loop.

2:24 p.m.: Call in reference to neighbors possibly doing drugs. Caller keeps finding hypodermic needles, 600 block of West Sixth.

3:10 p.m.: Gas drive-off reported, $46.26 taken, 2000 block of Prince.

3:12 p.m.: Caller understands there is burn ban and wants subjects to stop burning trash, 1700 block of Howard.

3:29 p.m.: Call in reference to a minor vehicle accident with injuries, 14th and Sheldon.

5:08 p.m.: Caller wants to speak with an officer about her, who was hit by a subject who may have been living with her, police station.

5:29 p.m.: Call in reference to a motel customer who fell in the parking lot. Customer is on the ground and is not moving, 1800 block of Mabry.

6:05 p.m.: Caller reported her 15-year-old daughter was followed by a male and he hit her. Daughter knows the male, 2000 block of Kent Place.

6:20 p.m.: Gas drive-off reported, $56.04 taken, 2100 block of Prince.

6:21 p.m.: Call in reference to a female employee stealing money from the cash register and change box, 3700 block of Prince.

6:38 p.m.: Caller wants an officer to standby while she picks up her children. Divorce papers were served to the husband Monday and she doesn't want any trouble, 2900 block of Lore.

9:11 p.m.: Caller has not been able to get in touch with his daughter for about a week. Daughter sleeps for several days in a row, is moody and has suicidal tendencies, 500 block of Weatherford.

9:25 p.m.: Call in reference to an employee stealing money from the cash register. Incident was caught on camera, 900 block of East Manana.

10:14 p.m.: Caller reported someone broke into her house. Intruders are still in the house, 1200 block of Merriwether.


12:02 a.m.: Call in reference to a male and a female fighting in a gas station parking lot, 1200 block of West Seventh.

— Compiled by CNJ staff writer Benna Sayyed