Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Godly people produce godly offspring

Very soon we will have an opportunity to vote for a man who will hold the highest office in the land. This man controls not only our future, but also the destiny of our children and grandchildren. To some degree our country and our freedom depends on the wisdom and integrity of this man.

It is our civic duty. This is a plea for you to exercise your right to vote as an American citizen. Not voting is giving mental assent to whoever and whatever is in power.

Corruption and government waste prevail. Surely there are those who can lead us out of dishonesty and decay. I want a leader who is not afraid to take a stand for righteousness. I want one who is willing to say "wrong is wrong" and "right is right."

I want a leader who respects life, who loves America, who stands up for it, who would defend it, love it and serve it. I want one who does not penalize people for having integrity.

"Proverbs 29:2 confirms this fact: "When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan." (NIV)

This country is on a slippery slope. TV and movies have crossed the line. Children viewing violence are desensitized even to the point of shooting other children.

Pornography and immorality lead to a declining culture.

We now have a society who rejects biblical principles and mocks Christianity.

Taking God out of the public arena has resulted in chaos. Children have been denied prayer in school and have had the Ten Commandments removed.

Our children need the highest standards of morality and ethics. They need to be taught the difference between right and wrong. When a culture begins to unravel, it is the children who suffer the most.

Godly people produce godly offspring. Godly people produce good and law-abiding citizens. If taking God out of our societies are we willing to pay the devastating price? The result of such an action will only lead to a decadent end with more crime and less freedom. The family upon which our civilization is built on has lessened.

The fact history repeats itself doesn't seem to register. We are in a battle for the freedom of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Freedom is

the greatest gift a person or a country can possess. Our nation was founded on freedom and was bought with blood and sacrifice. That, dear reader is something we all are worth fighting for.

Let's stand up and be counted. Make your voice and your vote count.

We can make a difference and when we do we will begin to see America again.

Portales resident Joan Clayton is a retired teacher and published author. Her e-mail address is:

[email protected]