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Councilor: Logos on water tower too pricey

Portales City Councilor Michael Lucero says he just can't justify spending $35,000 to paint the school logos of Eastern New Mexico University and Portales High School on the town's water towers to his constituents.

City Councilor Keith Thomas said $35,000 was the worst-case scenario cost and although he wants the city's support behind the project, which he feels will instill community pride, he prefers to look for private money to fund it.

"I'm not opposed to the idea, it just seems too pricey when we have other things to take care of," Lucero said. "We should talk about it and figure out if it's a must."

And that's what councilors plan to do as a discussion and action of the proposed project is on Tuesday's Portales City Council agenda. The meeting starts at 7 p.m.

"I think we're just going to look into other options," Lucero said. "I think we need to wait on that. We need to address other issues."

Thomas' heart has been in the project since he proposed it but he feels councilors need to look first at private funds for the project before asking the city to pay for it, especially if it's something the community isn't 100 percent behind.

"We need to do it as diligently as possible," Thomas said.

Thomas said it's important that councilors explore all avenues to get the project done, including speaking with the local art departments of ENMU and PHS.

"It's a point of community pride," Thomas said. "Every Friday night we fill up the stands with people are rooting for our Rams. All of our sports are well supported by the community. We have good programs."

Thomas added the $35,000 figure being thrown around was a quote for the worst-case scenario in terms of cost.

"We're actually looking to raise about $8,000 to $10,000," Thomas said. "Our student athletes deserve to have that up on the water tower. I'd just like to see it for our kids and our community."

Lucero said Thomas' project is a good suggestion but it just seems like a bit much at this point.

Lucero said if the city has that much money to spend, the area should benefit from something that's needed such as new city trucks or a piece of equipment.

Lucero added if the painting of the athletic logos on the water tower is a serious necessity, the city should place a bid for it.

"We do need to support our teams. It's important for our kids to feel supported in what they do," Lucero said. "But then you got guys telling you about potholes in the streets. Our community needs a lot of work."

City Manager Tom Howell said whether the council decides the city should fund the project or get private funding to pay for it, they still need to approve the project idea.

"Whatever the council decides, they still have to approve it because it's city property," Howell said. "Even if the city doesn't contribute, we have to give them permission because it's our property."

Howell added that approval of the design will also be left up to city officials.