Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Praying for others most unselfish act

I can't help but notice that a crisis brings about prayer regardless of a catastrophe.

I heard no complaints about praying in public when 9/11 happened.

I think prayer is vital to us any time. In the tumultuous times of adversity, prayer and trust are so important. Mankind cannot save itself. Man is only a mortal being, but with God, "all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26.)

I am thankful for those who pray for others. In the midst of an illness or an emergency many cannot pray for themselves. God's wisdom and strength are available if we only pray. May we remember, "Confess your faults one to another, and pray for one another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" (James 5:16).

We may never know where or how our prayers are answered but be assured they are. We see the importance and seriousness of praying for others in 1 Samuel 12:23: "As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by failing to pray for you. And I will teach you the way that is good and right" (NIV).

Praying for others is one of the most unselfish things we can do. Life is too complicated with too many ups and downs to try to make it alone. When prayers go up blessings come down. I have found there's an everlasting "Light" in the depths of despair. A light bursts forth-displaying God's path to the deliverance of troubled souls. I have also discovered the human heart will never rest until we trust completely in the One who died at Calvary.

We pray not just for family but anyone in need. I like to "shoot" prayers at people. I wonder if they know that because they look at me and smile.

Every day I need support and prayers. I cannot make it on my own. I need prayers A.S.A.P, "AS SOON AS POSSIBLE." A.S.A.P. also has another meaning for me, "ALWAYS SAY A PRAYER."

An anonymous writer has said, "It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light." Prayer helps us see the light, renews our faith and gives hope to the future. It keeps stability in an unstable world. Prayer releases burdens and gives peace to the soul: "He will call upon me and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him" (Psalm 91:15 NIV).

Throughout the Bible I have found many "prayer warriors." Through prayer Nehemiah built the wall, a seemingly impossible task. Samuel kept praying for the people despite their shortcomings. Hezekiah saved a nation through prayer. The prayer of Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4:9 acknowledges God as central over our lives and that he alone is Lord over every facet of our being.

I have often said, "If you want a miracle ask a child to pray for you." Their faith is awesome. One of my students came to school saying, "Teacher, I prayed for you last night. I asked the Lord to keep you." He didn't know my mother was seriously ill, but his childlike faith gave me comfort.

Children are like flowers in the gardens of our hearts. When our youngest grandson was about six, I asked him what he would do to solve the earth's problems. He simply said, "Pray!"

Prayer is a lifesaver in a sea-troubled waters. Pray for someone today.

It is vital for all of us.

Portales resident Joan Clayton is a retired teacher and published author. Her e-mail address is:

[email protected]

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