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Q&A - New deputy described as patriot

Seth Carruth describes himself as a patriot who has a passion for serving his country. The 25-year-old from Olton, Texas, is one of Roosevelt County's newest deputies and also serves in the New Mexico Army National Guard.

He's married to Deanna Carruth and has one daughter, Rylee. He also says he's an enthusiast of rock climbing, competitive shooting, physical fitness, hunting and mixed martial arts.

Seth Carruth

He answers a few questions about his experience prior to becoming a deputy and his journey to getting there:

What brought you to the Roosevelt County Sheriff's Office?

Well I had been talking to a friend of mine from another agency and he told me that everybody at Roosevelt County Sheriff's Office were awesome people and he thought it would be a great place for me to start my career. Plus, when I was a kid, I remember seeing the sheriff of Lincoln County in Ruidoso at a restaurant with his revolver in a western style belt and holster, like straight out of a western. I remember thinking right then that I wanted to be a sheriff, of course being a kid not knowing the rank structure.

Why did you decide to become a deputy?

Growing up I've always helped people and I always hated seeing bad things happen to good people. I love my country and everything it was founded on, and I have the opportunity to serve it and my community every day.

What was one funny or unforgettable experience you had at the academy?

I don't recall any funny moments but one thing I won't forget is the entire command staff showing up for our graduation. The other agencies had one or two representing their agency if they were lucky. Our office has awesome camaraderie, if anyone needs help then one of us, if not all, will be there.

What's your favorite cop show and why?

The "World's Most Shocking Police Chases," probably because I just like watching the bad guy try to get away, fail, and the good guys snatch them up.

If you could choose any other career, what would that be and why?

Well, it might be viewed more as a hobby but it would have to be a hunting guide. I started hunting at a young age, growing up outdoors and I love tracking. It would be a dream job.

Who's your favorite fictional law officer and why?

It would definitely have to be John McClain from the "Die Hard" movies. His character is just hard-core, gets hit and keeps coming against all odds.

Have you ever been pulled over for a traffic violation? What happened?

Yeah, I was pulled over for speeding a few years ago. I thought I had real good excuse but it wasn't good enough I guess. Yes, I got a citation but haven't been pulled over since then.

What's your career goal as far as law enforcement?

I plan on spending a full career in law enforcement. At some point in the future I would like to go federal. I am also continuing my education working toward a law degree. After a career in law enforcement I have plans of becoming a prosecuting attorney.

Do you like donuts?

Yes … I do like donuts ,but only occasionally. As a matter a fact, it is so occasionally I can't remember the last time I had a donut.

Tell us about a time you helped somebody out?

First one that pops in my head was when I was 15 years old in Ruidoso and I had gotten up in the middle of the night for what reason I still don't know. But I just happened to look out and notice a fire in our neighbor's back yard. I yelled at my parents to call the fire department, ran outside to grab a shovel, started waking up all of the neighbors, and ran to the fire. The fire was about to take one of the neighbor's house ,but we all got together with enough water and dirt to keep it down until the fire department got there. I don't know what would of happened if I hadn't woke up to that blaze, but I am glad I did.