Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

McGee: Crazy cat people introduction

"C ould we be on our way to being 'crazy cat people'?" asked The Lady of the House the other day.

We just added another rescue kitten to the family. He was bounding around the house, knocking things down. The other tomcats didn't care. The lone female cat was not amused. She was walking around growling.

"Well, I know 32 cats DEFINITELY makes one a crazy cat person," I said.

Years ago my mom had me drive her around town for errands, one stop was to visit a friend.

"Now don't say anything about how her house smells," said my mom. "It'll probably knock you down."

"What smell?" I asked. My mind was filled with all sorts of possibilities. I always thought my momma's friend was kind of normal.

"Cats, her house smells like cats. She has 32 of them."

"32 cats? Why?"

"She's a cat lady," said my mom.

I immediately thought of the woman on the "Batman" TV show and was confused.

"What do you mean, 'cat lady'?" I asked.

"She has too many cats. Some people, when they get old, they start collecting cats." said my mom. "They'll probably have to demolish her house when she dies. That smell!"

When we got to the house I found out my mom was right, the pungent cat smell was overwhelming. There were cats everywhere: Cats on the furniture, cats in the windows, cats on tables. The litter box was a kiddie pool in the middle of the living room.

"And that's how I was introduced to the concept of 'crazy cat people.'" I said to The Lady of the House.

Our chat was interrupted by the sound of smashing crockery on the kitchen floor. A little ball of fur dashed away from the crime scene.

"And whose idea was it to bring another kitten into the house?" asked The Lady of the House, arching her eyebrows.

Grant McGee is a long-time broadcaster and former truck driver who rides bicycles and likes to talk about his many adventures on the road of life.

Contact him at: [email protected].