Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
Life is full of wonderful treasures. God blesses in so many ways but lets be reminded that these are temporary blessings to be enjoyed during our earthly travels.
Our real treasures are stored in heaven. Things can be enjoyable and we are grateful for them, but they really belong to God.
We do not own anything when we are born into this life or when we leave it. We can own a wealth of precious memories if we have striven to walk in obedience to biblical principles. We can find ourselves by losing ourselves in loving and caring for others.
Hold to Jesus. Abide in his love. Love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself. Everything else is secondary.
The goal eliminates the quest for materialism, over motivated success drives, the mad scramble to make it by accumulating wealth, not to mention the absence of father or mother from the home, leaving children to be reared by day care centers.
Let's prioritize and hold on tightly to that which is really important. Take time to build precious memories.
Diamonds, cars, fur coats, larger houses, more profit-sharing investment…is it worth it? Is it really worth robbing those loved ones of quality time? Is it worth robbing those loved ones of quality time that can never be recaptured? Is it worth the stress and worry of your own well being?
Maybe you have lost a loved one. Be grateful for the time you had. They only belonged to God… and, in time, we will all return to God.
Maybe you are getting older and are no longer able to keep up the home place you have worked so hard to build. Be thankful for the time you had and that you were a good steward God had entrusted to you. Remember, it's God's anyway.
Life brings many changes. Changes require adjustments and adjustments are hard to make at times. Yet one thing never changes, God's love for you and he will never leave nor forsake his children.
So, let's not hold material things too tightly. Let's live one day at a time and not worry about tomorrow. Learn to endure trials patiently. Let nothing bother you.
I love Romans 8:31: "What can man do to me, if God is for us who can be against us?"
Lean on God.
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5)
A cardiologist once said, "There are only two rules in life. Rule number one, don't get upset over little problems. Rule number two, everything is a little problem."
I found a wonderful quote in my files:
"The most challenging thing you will ever face in your life is learning everyday to be excited about what you're doing. If in the midst of all the uncertainty, confusion, perplexity, and despair of the present hour, we can keep our eyes
clearly focused upon God's entire plan, and the certainty of its fulfillment, it will strengthen us for every circumstance of life!"
Let's not hold every thing too tightly. We belong to God.
"The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein." (Psalm 24:1)
Our real treasures are stored in heaven.
Portales resident Joan Clayton is a retired teacher and published author. Her e-mail address is:[email protected]