Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Residents weigh in on which ad was "Super"

Never mind the game. What was your favorite Super Bowl commercial?

A few area reactions:

David Garcia, 40, assistant manager at a Clovis pizza restaurant:

Garcia said he liked the Budweiser commercial in which a man raised a Clydesdale horse from birth and saw it join an elite team of Clydesdales. Horse and owner were reunited three years later after a parade.

"The horses are representative of Budweiser. It made me happy when the horse broke off from the parade and went back to its old owner. It was just nice to see them reunite," Garcia said.

Mariah Schurman, 20, Clovis Community College student:

She liked the pistachios commercial in which South Korean entertainer and record producer Psy performs his famous "Gangnam Style" dance with oversized pistachios.

"I liked that they used that song. That's one of my favorite songs lately," she said. "It's a lot of fun to dance to. I thought the song went well with advertising pistachios."

Sharon Epps, 57, assistant principal at Portales' Valencia Elementary School:

She liked the Taco Bell commercial in which a group of elderly men and women sneak out of their retirement home for a night of fun. That includes skinny-dipping, dancing in a nightclub and getting tattoos.

"It's so funny how they party all night and then get back to bed in time. It just goes to show it doesn't matter how old you are. If you're young at heart you can do anything."

Beverly Johnson, 58, administrative assistant at Portales' Valencia Elementary School:

She liked the Doritos commercial in which a father dresses like a princess to play with his daughter after she tempts him with a bag of Doritos.

"The dad ends up dressing up like his daughter. I thought it was so cute. The grown men had crumbs all over their face. One of them even had on a wedding dress. It was really cute."