Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Praying for others requires sacrifice

Portales, it's my kind of town. It is not just because of all the children I have taught who have blessed my life so much. It is not because Portales is a wonderful place for our own children to grow up in. It is not because my husband would not live anywhere else on earth.

It is because Portales has a unique secret. The secret? It is the people who live here. The sweetest most lovable people live right here … Portales, New Mexico.

Having lived here for so many years I have watched people rush to help someone in need … always ready to help in anyway.

You have made a beautiful picture of prayer for my family. I recently read a story that just fits for Portales:

"A lady saw a beautiful bald eagle soaring above a lake. Spotting its prey in the water below the eagle swooped down into the water. The eagle sank its talons deep into the fish, but the fish was far too heavy and the eagle sank lower into the lake.

Breathlessly, the lady watched knowing the eagle would drown. Yet just when it seemed that all hope was gone, two other eagles appeared. Each one went under one of the wings of their comrade and carried him to safety.

You are the "Prayer Warriors" that carry others on wings of faith and love. You are "an earnest prayer of a righteous man who has great power and wonderful results."

You are like a prayer wall surrounding me with sincere care and concern.

These "prayer walls" keep positive affirmations coming my way and those prayers have given me a support system that enhances healing.

My "walls" have had cracks in them recently. The illnesses of loved ones are hard to endure but your love and concern made the cracks in my walls disappear. It is at times of crisis that I realize how desperately we need each other.

Praying for others requires sacrifice. It is motivated by love for the act of praying for someone else is one of the highest pinnacles of unselfishness.

"Also, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about something and pray for it, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. This is true because if two or three people come together in my name, I am there with them" (Matthew 18:19-20 NCV).

I cannot say "thank you" enough and my family loves you too.

So here's to you Portales! You're my kind of town.

You're the greatest!

Portales resident Joan Clayton is a retired teacher and published author. Her e-mail address is:[email protected].

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