Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

City council to hold public hearing on panhandling

The Portales City Council will hold a public hearing April 16 prior to voting on adopting a city ordinance that would prohibit panhandling within city limits without a permit.

City Ordinance 703, if adopted, will prohibit aggressive panhandling and require organizations that solicit money without providing a service or product to obtain a permit. Disobeying this city ordinance would be equal to committing a petty misdemeanor, according to city officials.

The council approved the notice of intent for the ordinance and the hearing Tuesday at its bi-weekly meeting in the Portales Memorial Building.

This proposed ordinance stems from a number of complaints officials and the Portales Police Department about aggressive panhandling tactics, which the Portales Chief of Police Doug Jones and others said they have witnessed, including blocking traffic.

There is no city ordinance dealing with panhandling. Jones has cited the safety of Portales citizens as a primary reason for the ordinance.

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