Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

With Jesus we win

If we stop to think about it, we are blessed, even a tiny complaint is most inappropriate.

With so many blessings surrounding me, how dare I be thankless. A grateful heart is a loving heart. My happiness is not in fortune, fame, possessions or any other substitute. These temporary things can be taken away in an instant. The real blessings are your husband, children, family and friends. These are the things to love each day with joy.

Every day you and I are leaving memories and those we leave behind will remember what we left. Someone will remember us. I remember my grandfather with such admiration. His kindness to everyone he met left a life-long impression on me. I never saw him angry, upset, unhappy or depressed. He found humor in simple daily life. His daily prayers reflected his strong faith. Granddaddy's love for my grandmother filled my heart.

Our children and grandchildren will long remember my husband's love for me. We are given just so many years with the gift of life. How we spend them are so important. Have we just taken up space or have we made our lives count for something?

Every day is a miracle in some way. I like to look forward to a new day. I like to see the doves praise their maker each morning. We can too. I like to be amazed with sunrise and sunsets. I love to look into a baby's face to see God's wondrous works.

For me, memories include little school children's smiling faces, my husband's goodnight kiss, the "I love you mom" phone calls, and the many words of encouragement I have received from so many precious people.

"With Jesus we win." These four little words say it all. The Creator of this universe is with us always … in this life and in the next.

Our earthly time is brief. Our outward bodies grow old but we are becoming beautiful day by day with Jesus. One day our spirits will leave this temple and soar back to our Maker.

Therefore we know we are winners. Yes, this life has difficulties and problems but we are more than conquerors because our Lord is in control. This means we are winning even in hard times.

We are not moved by setbacks and circumstances. Our peace comes from him. "The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit" (Psalm 34:18).

Our God will never leave us. He will never allow our feet to stumble.

We soar with him in heavenly places. Our God is our refuge and our fortress.

We are winners!

Portales resident Joan Clayton is a retired teacher and published author. Her e-mail address is:[email protected]