Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Each day is one day closer to Jesus

Have you ever returned to the home of your childhood and find it to be almost unrecognizable? You had remembered it so vividly but now it looks so different?

My grandmother lived by the highway in a small town. Every time we pass her house I can almost smell baked gingerbread with a glass of cold fresh milk. I can almost see her flower garden and hear her singing those grand old church hymns. Even the initials on her tree carved by my sweetheart are gone.

Have you met someone recently that you knew many years ago and barely recognized them, or maybe they did not recognize you at all? As an afterthought, you hear, "Boy, you have really changed a lot!"

Life is a growth process. It is a natural occurrence. Life does bring changes. Places change and faces change. Changes in jobs and careers require many adjustments. Changes in families and relationships occur when the "empty nest" arrives. The loss of a loved one requires many painful changes making holidays especially hard.

I read an article written by a senior citizen who said the best thing to do about change is to "make friends with it," especially with God.

It's a great comfort for me to know the same God who guided Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, guides me today in the 21st century.

In Malachi 3:6, God says, "For I am the Lord, I change not." This is the really good news. There is only one who never changes.

Although we can't stop physical changes we do have the power to change our attitudes and our lives toward God.

Joseph was the chief of "attitude changers." Joseph was a climber.

He was put in a pit, but he climbed out. He was put in another type of pit in Potiphar's house, but he climbed out. He climbed out of the pit of unforgiveness by forgiving his brothers of their cruel treatment.

Joseph knew he was attached to the vine and attached to Jesus.

Climbers flourish.

Hebrews 13:8 tells us "Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever."

Jesus never changes. He can be trusted today, tomorrow and forever.

Whatever stage of life you find yourself in, the creator of this universe does not change. He is preparing a place for those who love and obey Him. Regardless of all the earthly changes in our lives He is the One that never changes. Our hope is in Him. His promises are "Yea and Amen." Our temporary traveling in this journey of life is not our final destiny. We are heading toward that celestial city.

If you have experienced some painful changes in your life please know changes are on the stairway to heaven. Take comfort in the fact that each change and each day is one day closer to Jesus.

Portales resident Joan Clayton is a retired teacher and published author. Her e-mail address is: [email protected]