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Portales City Sports gets new athletic director

PNT staff writer[email protected]

Portales City Sports is under new management. Strawberry Robinson, who has been employed at the Portales Recreation Center for more

link Eric Norwood Jr.: Portales News-Tribune

City of Portales Sports Athletic Director Strawberry Robinson helps Brian Guerrero, 8 (facing) and Kadyn Collins, 10 (back turned) line up as they play football at the Portales Recreation Center on Wednesday.

than four years, is now running the show as the sports athletic director.

What is the difference between your former position and your current position?

There is really no difference between my former position (recreation director assistant) and my current position (sports athletic director). As the recreation director assistant I helped with the after-school program and created new ideas for groups/activities. As the sports athletic director I am responsible for planning and creating schedules for city sports (seasons and fundraisers).

Did you participate in any sports in school? Which ones?

As a child I participated in many activities. My parents were military so we did a lot of traveling and to keep us busy they enrolled us in programs that were similar to the Portales Recreation Center (Boys and Girls Clubs and Youth Centers).

I participated in Girl’s Scout and Tap. Along with my brothers I also was enrolled in Tae Kwon Do. As I grew older I became more interested in sports and in turn started playing competitive sports when I was in fifth grade through high school.

The moment I learned to dribble and shoot, I knew what made me happy; basketball.

Why do you like working at the rec center?

I like the rec center because of its meaning. The rec center is not just a place for kids to come after school because they have nowhere else to go, it’s intended to provide the kids of Portales a place to go where they are active and able to meet new people and continuously learn new things; not to be stuck in front of a television playing video games.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy playing video games also but here at the rec center our focus is to give the kids other options and show them other ways to have fun other than athletically.

We also try to bestow upon them our own life learned skills; because each one of us has something different and special to offer.

What are your Super Bowl predictions for this year?

Well, considering that I spent most of my childhood in Chicago, Ill., and my mom is a Chicago Bears fan and my dad is a huge 49ers fan, I am torn between those two teams.

What brought you to Portales?

I graduated high school from Alamogordo in 2000, and chose to attend ENMU-Portales branch that following semester.

How did you get the name Strawberry? Nickname or real name?

I was given the name Strawberry by a couple of friends that I have known since my junior high years of living in Alamogordo. My real name is Sharianita Robinson.

Who is your favorite athlete?

As I was growing up my favorite athlete was the coach of the women’s basketball team (Tennessee Volunteers), Pat Summit. Her style of coaching and the passion she had is what gave and gives me my drive to do better and more as a coach and now as the city Sports athletic director.

Tell us your earliest memory of competing in organized sports.

My earliest memory of competing in organized sports was when I was in fifth grade (basketball). That was the first time I had ever thought about playing a sport. I learned all the basics that summer and have been playing and enjoying the game ever since.