Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Think of Thanksgiving as 'Thanks Living'

Every day is a day to be thankful. Being thankful is a way of life. An attitude of gratitude brightens the countenance and cheers the heart. If we were to write down all of our many blessings, we would need reams of paper.

One of my many blessings happened when a student brought me a flower the day before Thanksgiving. The card with the flower read: “Teacher, I’m thankful to be in your class.”

That card reminded me of my “teachers.” I thought of three of my college professors. I wrote a Thanksgiving letter to each one, expressing my love and appreciation for having such an influence in my life. Each one wrote back, in ever so feeble, shaky handwriting that was hardly legible. The letters told of their gratitude. I was so glad I wrote those letters because in less than a year all three professors had made their heavenly flight.

I was told of a son who wrote the following Thanksgiving letter: “Dear Mom and Dad, Thank you for your letter. In it you mentioned you were growing older and many of your friends had already passed on. You asked me what I wanted of your possessions. Mom and Dad, you have already given me everything I have ever needed or wanted. You filled my life with love, faith, virtue, honesty and compassion. What you gave me, Mom and Dad, could never be bought with money. It cannot be measured in houses or land or possessions. I’m thankful for you, Mom and Dad. I can never lose you because love is forever. Your loving son.”

That letter made that mom and dad’s Thanksgiving extra special. You can make your Thanksgiving celebration special too by celebrating in a special way this year. Write a letter of gratitude to someone or invite a lonely person to your feast.

Before you close your eyes on Thanksgiving Eve, be thankful for life. Greet the dawn of every day with Thanksgiving because Thanksgiving is “Thanks Living.”

“Para la belleza de la tierra, damos gracias.

(For the beauty of the land, we give thanks.)

Para la comida y las ropa, damos gracias.

(For food and clothing, we give thanks.)

Para la familia y la amigos, damos gracias.

(For family and friends, we give thanks.)

Damos gracias ante a ti, Senor.

(We give thanks to you, Lord.)

En el nombre de Jesus, amen.)

(In the name of Jesus, amen.)”

Portales resident Joan Clayton is a retired teacher and published author. Her e-mail address is:

[email protected]

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