Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
I firmly believe God has a purpose for every person born on this earth. To be given a chance at life is the highest form of love. To me this earthly journey is a training ground…a time to learn to forgive, to laugh, to love, to bless and to encourage people. All of us have been given “x” amount of time. The only thing we get to keep is what we have given away.
link Joan Clayton
God has a plan for each one of us. Let us seek forgiveness and overlook offenses. Trust in His plan. Let’s fight the good fight of faith and complete the journey.
Let’s take God’s plan for you and me. It isn’t too late to start. The New Year is an opportunity to expect the best, to look for the good, to see every trial as a challenge, and to grow in faith and courage. We are on a journey and the way we live determines our destiny…”for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10)
Psalm 37 gives a wonderful blueprint for the New Year.
1. Don’t fret. Stress is a killer and any situation will still be 100 years from now.
2. Let’s do our best and God will do the rest.
3. Rest in God. How many burdens can one carry? Give them to Him. He can carry them all.
4. Delight in the Lord. “He will give you the desires of your heart.”
5. Commit your way to the Lord. He is a “lamp unto your feet and a light unto your pathway.”
6. Rest and be still. Patiently wait for guidance. Impatience brings anxiety.
7. Refrain from anger. Anger steals joy.
We have a brand New Year upon us. It has not been lived before. Make each day a masterpiece. Live it to the fullest. You have a chance to begin again in spite of past mistakes or regrets from last year.
Start anew and resolve to leave precious memories in the lives of others. Be joyful, grateful and cheerful. Find something good in every situation and in every person.
Forgive and release all hurts, injustices and pain. Live today. Pack all the living, learning and loving that you can. Keep staying in God’s plan for you.
Praying for others requires sacrifice. It is motivated by love and is one of the highest pinnacles of unselfishness. Let us humbly fall to our knees, praying to God with honor, truth and respect.
We can light this nation. Prayer can change America. We serve a mighty God. He hears the prayers of His people.
Let God’s plan shine for you!
Portales resident Joan Clayton is a retired teacher and published author. Her e-mail address is: