Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Dora school news — Feb. 25

BPA state champions

Last week, sponsor Colleen Tollett and nine members of the Dora Chapter of the Business Professionals of America participated in the BPA State Leadership Conference on Feb. 17-19 in the Albuquerque.

The state championship for Business Professionals of America is designated as the Business Professional Cup and was awarded to the Dora chapter.

The chapter earned the award by receiving points for membership, participation in service projects, leadership development activities, and placing in work skills assessments.

Lindsey Fletcher, president of the chapter, accepted the award on behalf of the organization.

Qualifying for the National Leadership Conference in May were:

• Dianna Herrera, first in prepared speech

• Joel Villanueva, second in presentation management Individual

• Isaac Carrasco, Rony Ramirez, Shania Ramirez, Charlyn Simpson and Gema Villanueva; second in parliamentary procedure team.

Other awards winners at state included:

• Lindsey Fletcher, fourth in graphic design promotion; Rony Ramirez, second, Charlyn Simpson, fifth, and Shania Ramirez, eighth in parliamentary procedure written test; Isaac Carrasco, finalist in desktop publishing.

Shania Ramirez and Isaac Carrasco campaigned for state officer positions and were elected to serve as 2014-2015 NM BPA officers.

They will serve as voting delegates at the National Conference, attend leadership training in San Antonio for a week in June, and serve as state officers until next year's State Conference.

Other activities at the conference included the opening session, where the group was entertained by guest speaker Bill Cordes and a workshop titled “Become a Better Speaker” presented by three members of the Albuquerque Toastmasters.

The members also participated in the “Links of Love” project which raised more than $1,000 for Special Olympics.

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