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Juniors get first taste of ENMU

PNT staff writer[email protected]

High school junior Nicholas Gilbert of Clayton has been looking at universities across New Mexico that will fit his dream of becoming a nurse.

He traveled three hours with his mother, Shella Gilbert to attend Eastern New Mexico University’s annual Junior Day preview day on Saturday.

link Lillian Bowe: Portales News Tribune

High school juniors and their parents look over booths of the different colleges Saturday at the Campus Union Building of Eastern New Mexico University. The event was part of ENMU’s annual junior preview day.

Gilbert was the one of more than 75 students attending. Each had a day full of informational sessions about the university.

Sessions included meeting the president’s ambassadors, learning about ENMU athletics and getting a campus tour.

“I really like the sessions. They allow us to ask questions,” said Gabby Lopez from Clovis.

Lopez arrived with her father, Vicente Lopez, who was part of the parent sessions of preview day.

“I just came from two sessions on enrollment services and financial aid and they were both very informational,” Vicente Lopez said.

Students and parents also had a chance to talk to professors and other ENMU faculty during the academic fair.

The fair featured booths from every college at the university and students could talk to the professors.

Caprock High School junior Adrienne Sanchez of Amarillo talked to the College of Fine Arts representatives.

“I am thinking about a major in the arts and talking to the professors has helped me understand what I have to do as a student,” Sanchez said.

The students and parents also got to eat at ENMU’s cafeteria.

Abby Rowell, ENMU recruitment events coordinator, said she received a lot of positive feedback.

“A lot of parents have said they love that we give them information on the university and how they can get their kids in college,” Rowell said.

This is the first year Rowell has planned junior day and has been working on it for two months.

For Shella Gilbert, Junior Day is a success for her and Nicholas.

“I love that ENMU has this day. All the information about the college is online, but you don’t really experience how the campus is until you come here,” Gilbert said.