Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Robin Williams left lasting impact

link Christina Calloway

Senior writer

It’s funny that a childhood myth earned some truth as my friends and I remembered a legend.

In a 2012 column, I wrote about Halloween and how every year, children across San Francisco would try to find Robin Williams’ home near Ocean Beach because we heard he was very generous.

I knew there had to be some truth to this because Robin was a northern California resident, but since I never completed the pilgrimage myself, I labeled it a myth.

With the outpouring of love that followed the news of Robin’s death on Monday, I was one of many who shared a thought on social media about what the comedic great meant to me.

My friend Gabby shared that he gave out something other than candy at Halloween every year. She talked about the “toothbrush” year and others chimed in recalling the same.

They joked about being upset, but it’s in Robin’s character to be unconventional and it’s worked for him for decades.

But a toothbrush would be more than enough to help polish the smile Robin has put on my face throughout my childhood.

He had the warmth of your favorite uncle and I felt every role he played, good or bad, was done with love.

May he rest in peace, for every laugh he has given me has been a blessing.

Christina Calloway’s favorite Robin Williams film is “Hook.” Share your memories with her at [email protected]

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