Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Getting started early

Staff writer

[email protected]

Though it maybe a little early for most to be thinking about Christmas, that is exactly what the Portales Police Department has on its mind.

For its 16th year, the police department will be donating gifts and food to needy families through its Santa Cop program during the holiday season. However, the first thing the department must do is raise money.

This is the second year the department is holding a pancake breakfast as a fundraiser, according to Records Supervisor Mickie Gonzales.

Gonzales said last year’s pancake breakfast at the Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Department was a big success and this year they were looking for a bigger venue.

This year’s event is 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. Oct. 9 at the Memorial Building. Tickets cost $5 for a meal that includes three pancakes, a sausage patty, coffee and orange juice.

Gonzales said lots of tickets have been sold, but people can purchase tickets at the door. She also said a few are getting their breakfast delivered.

“We are delivering quite a few to people because a lot don’t want to get up that early or have work at eight, so we want to deliver,” Gonzales said.

She said the project is fueled by community donations.

“We only have to buy plates and sugar,” said Gonzales. “The community has been so gracious in donating. It’s wonderful.”

Police Chief Pat Gallegos said last year the pancake breakfast raised approximately $13,000.

Gallegos said the department does other events to raise funds for Santa Cop, such as playing basketball against the Portales High and Junior High teachers.

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