Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
On this date ...
1972: Six men and one woman faced gambling charges after a raid by police at a Clovis motel room. Officers confiscated more than $2,700 in the raid.
1968: Clovis postal employees had completed a week in which they handled 583,472 pieces of mail — 113,000 pieces more than during a typical week a month earlier. Officials said they expected business to peak closer to Christmas. They handled 921,639 pieces of mail Dec. 16-22 in 1967.
1959: Cattlemen from across the state were headed to Clovis for the quarterly meeting of the New Mexico Cattle Growers Association. More than 200 cattle raisers were expected for the two-day event slated for Hotel Clovis.
Plenty to eat ...
1964: Mrs. Alice Head, of 1106 Ross, and Mrs. Lillie Ingram, of 313 W. Tierra Blanca, were the winners of free groceries in a promotion by Furr’s Super Markets. Ingram received a week’s free groceries; Head received a month’s groceries free.
Gamble on insurance ...
1948: The Gamble-Rushing Agency, operated by Claude Gamble and E.V. Rushing, at 317 Main St. in Clovis, asked potential insurance customers: “At present-day building costs, can you afford to go uninsured or half insured?”
Pages Past is compiled by Clovis News Journal Editor David Stevens. Contact him at: