Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
Staff writer
The Roosevelt County Wind Ranch project is set to move forward after county commissioners on Tuesday approved a road maintenance and transportation agreement with Roosevelt Wind Project, LLC.
The agreement is the final hurdle for the county and with its approval the Industrial Revenue Bonds, totaling $430 million, can be issued and sold to Roosevelt Wind Project affiliate Roosevelt Wind Holdings, LLC.
Roosevelt Wind Project, LLC is headed by EDF Renewable Energy out of San Diego, California.
County Manager Amber Hamilton said the bonds will be issued Friday, which will allow the project to transition into its next phase.
Hamilton said construction of 150 wind turbines on 65,500 acres between Elida and Dora, is scheduled to start in early 2015 with the building of driveways and access roads.
According to an October report, EDF Project Developer Alan Cowan said construction is expected to begin in February.
Hamilton said the first parts of the wind turbines are slated to arrive in June after the infrastructure for the project is in place.
According to Hamilton, the wind ranch project will be constructed at no cost to the county.
Hamilton said the wind farm is expected to bring in approximately $700,000 to Roosevelt County annually over a 30-year period through Payments in Lieu of Taxes, or PILT payments.
The turbines will generate 300 megawatts of electricity a year, enough to power 100,000 homes, according to Cowan.
Cowan said 250 megawatts of electricity will be sold annually to Xcel Energy subsidiary Southwestern Public Service Company.
Cowan said the remaining 50 megawatts will be sold through Southwest Power Pool.
Also at Tuesday’s meeting, commissioners:
• Approved the final plans for the Magistrate Court construction project. Hamilton said the bidding process for the project will begin in January and expects to close by March. The Magistrate Court building will be adjoined with the Portales Police Department.
• Approved a request from the Milnesand Volunteer Fire Department to purchase a new fire truck. The truck will cost $288,267 and will be paid for with state fire funds.
• Ratified the payment of $101,431 for the third- and fourth-quarter final payment for the Sole Community Program.
• Ratified the payment of $15,000 to the Roosevelt County Community Development Corp.
• Approved a motion for treasury clerk Layle Sanchez to replace Nancy Belcher as county treasurer. Belcher is retiring Friday.
• Approved a request for a road sign (dead end) to be placed on South Roosevelt Road O.
• Approved Resolution 2015-21 authorizing and approving the submission of a completed grant application for financial assistance and project approval to the New Mexico Finance Authority to update the comprehensive plan.
• Approved Resolution 2015-22 for a budget adjustment for County Indigent Claims and the HVAC debt service.
• Approved Resolution 2015-23 for the distribution of vendor checks. Allows the distribution of approved checks to the county’s vendors.
• Approved Resolution 2015-24 allowing the county manager to enter into or renew contracts and settlement agreements in the amount of $10,000 or less.
• Approved a contract with New Mexico Bank and Trust for investment management services.
• Approved an agreement with Roosevelt Wind Project, LLC for transportation and road maintenance for the Wind Ranch Project.