Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
The coming of spring caught Amos somewhat off guard this year. He was still anticipating snowstorms that never came when the first wildflower poked its multicolored head out of the ground. Though amazed at the sight, Amos went on his way without taking much notice. So spring sprang on him by surprise. He stumbled into it the other day when he met Robin Redjoy.
amos on spring
boss this has been a dull
dreary week even the
sun didn t want to come
out and play until
the other day
i was down and
out boss - lower than
a caterpillar s
nothing could cheer me
up not even peanut
butter and jelly
then along came robin
singing like the entire
london philharmonic
his voice - in place
of his reputation -
preceded him
it was pure
high-spirited joy boss
and it grated on
my misery
solomon once wrote
in proverbs - as he
that taketh away a
garment in cold weather
and as vinegar upon
nitre so is he that
singeth songs to an
heavy heart - i knew
what the man was
talking about boss
robin was pouring
vinegar on my nitre -
whatever that is
but before i could
either grump or
quote scripture to
him boss mopey
molerus - the downcast
and despondent mole -
you remember him boss
he s the lowest mole
on the totem pole
in the bottom hole
anywhere around
anyway mopey pushed
his head out of the
ground and looked
everywhere around
and said what s all
this i ve never been
here before
where s the dirt maybe
i m at the earth s core
robin redjoy though
was halfway through
the hallelujah chorus
boss singing the
joys of spring
with a cheerful heart
it was beginning
to become a bit
contagious even
in spite of my
how dull life is said
mopey mole
this world is just a
dirty hole
i eat i dig and i store
and all i find is a bore
robin sang high in
the blue -
how sweet is the
morning dew
how clear the brooks
how fair the flowers
i rejoice in this
world of ours
mopey asked what s this
tell me what s all the
fuss about
o the sunshine and the
pine trees
the green grass white clouds
and blue seas
spring said robin in his
big oak tree
gives to the world such
grace and beauty
nonsense said mopey the
molerus i ve lived in this
world more than youse -
tunneled it and traveled
through it -
i ve sniffed snorted smelled
and chewed it - and i tell ya
there ain t nothing to it
cept great big gobby
fishing worms through it
boss it just goes to
show you how a fella s
perspective can color
his whole world