Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
The event at Clovis-Carver Library is scheduled 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
CLOVIS — Today marks the second and final day of the Friends of the Library Book Sale, which is slated from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., nestled inside the Ingram Room of the Clovis-Carver Library. Organizers said the event proceeds aid in the organization's support of the library.
Officials said hundreds of quality used and new books, fiction and nonfiction are available for children, young adults and adults - including matched set collections by author, art books and series books from National Geographic and Time Life. Movies, audio-books, paper and hard backs will be available, organizers said, with most titles priced at $1 each.
Friends of the Library member Mary Weigl helped to staff the sale during Friday's session.
"I love books and I'm an absolute avid reader," said Weigl, who enjoys reading Christian- and history-themed books. "The Friends of the Library contributes so much to the library and I feel we're an important part of Clovis. It's not just about books. We also raise money to purchase new library materials, contribute to summer reading program activities and help to secure grants, such as the one that will allow the library to have all of the upholstered furniture replaced."
Library officials said the group raises money through periodic book sales, using donated books, as well as books withdrawn from the Clovis-Carver Library. Friends of the Library, which meets every other month, also raises funds to purchase new library materials.
Clovis resident Jada Bell said the sale provides an opportunity to pick up a wide variety of reading materials for the entire family.
"What I like most about this event is there's something here for everybody," she said. "I can get something for the kids, my husband and myself — and you can't beat the prices."