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Our People: Texico truly home to mayor

Jerry Bradley was born at Misawa Air Base, Japan. His father served in the US Air Force and moved his family to Texico in 1964 when Jerry was four years old. He said he must really like Texico because he's moved away twice and has moved back.

In his earlier years, Bradley was very active in FFA. He grew up on a farm and loved the lifestyle. Today he enjoys woodwork and working on vehicles. His latest woodwork project was building a rocking cradle for his newest grandchild expected this December.

Courtesy photo

Jerry and Becki Bradley are snapped at her parent's 50-year anniversary celebration a few years ago.

He has been married to Becki Bradley for 35 years and together they have three adult children.

He has been the mayor of Texico for nearly three years and also works in auto sales. Prior to becoming mayor, he served eight years with the Texico city council.

What do you like about your job(s)?

I welcome the challenge of it all. I like dealing with the people of Texico. They're great people. We've got several projects we’re working toward and so my ultimate goal is to finish what has already been started. There have been projects that have been sitting since before I was mayor and I'd like to see them through. As for sales, I will always enjoy the business because I enjoy helping people and that part of it makes it rewarding. I like solving problems in both fields. They’re both intriguing and I like finding solutions.

What don’t you like about your job?

If I had to name one problem with being mayor is that people know I'm the mayor and a lot of time people don’t want to talk about the good you do but instead they want to talk about what they don’t like. I can't go into the grocery store without having to stop for 30 minutes to talk. In my sales job it’s hard when you can't help someone.

Tell us about your greatest individual accomplishment?

Marrying my wife. I was to at a point in my life where I drank a lot and partied a lot. I went to the doctor one day after having stomach problems. The doctor told me I could either stop drinking or die. Three days later I met my future wife and the rest is history. That's why she is my greatest accomplishment.

What’s your idea of a perfect day?

I get up in the morning and walk outside, it's 60 degrees, there's dew on the grass, no wind and the air smells fresh and clean. Just waking up in the morning is a blessing. I take life very serious now.

Do you have a favorite joke? If so, tell it.

Yes. There was an Idaho tater and an Irish tater. Well, they got married and they had a little girl and named her Sweet tater. She grew up and she wanted to marry Paul Harvey and her dad said, "Oh no, he's just a common-tater."

When you were a kid, what did you think you’d be doing as an adult?

I always thought I would be in some type of agriculture. I have worked in the field up until the last year. I grew up on a farm.

What’s your favorite taste?

Southern country ham. It’s by far one of my favorite foods. Wrap it in salt and hang it in a smoke house. You can't buy ham like that around here.

What’s your favorite smell?


If you could master one instrument, what would it be?

Piano. I love good piano music. I've never learned to play but when I was a kid in church we had an extraordinary pianist.

Where is your favorite place you’ve traveled?

We have a spot in the mountains up above Mora, New Mexico. We go as often as we can. It’s so peaceful and beautiful and is as close to God I can get without leaving earth.

What do you envision your life being like in 10 years?

I'm a day-to-day kind of guy. It may be a fault. But any time I make plans things always changes. The plans I make now depend on my family and they’re what I think about. We're not guaranteed tomorrow.

— Compiled by Correspondent D'Nieka Hartsfield