Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Empty stocking fund - Dec. 22

Today’s family in need: This mother has two children, ages 8 and 10.

“We met this lady as she comes to our food pantry. On this occasion she also asked for a gas voucher she said she needed to go to Lubbock,” said Salvation Army Corps Officer Lt. Kelly Berggren. “We knew she suffered from polio and asked if everything was all right. She told us she had been diagnosed with breast cancer and needed to see an oncologist.”

This news was devastating to all concerned. She is trying to give her two children a merry Christmas.

About the Empty Stocking Fund: The fund is a joint venture of the Salvation Army and The Eastern New Mexico News. The fund helps low-income families with toys, food and clothing.

How to help: The Eastern New Mexico News is accepting Empty Stocking Fund donations at its newspaper offices in Clovis (521 Pile St. or PO Box 1689, Clovis NM 88101) and Portales (101 E. First St. or PO Box 848, Portales NM 88130).

Envelopes should be clearly marked “Empty Stocking Fund.” Checks must be payable to The Salvation Army. Contributions will be forwarded to The Salvation Army.

— Information is supplied by Salvation Army Corps Officer Lt. Kelly Berggren

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