Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Goliath: Storm stories

Retired Game Warden Wes Robertson of Clovis said he didn’t lose anything during the storm — he gained something.

“We have a cat door from outside into our garage,” he wrote in response to a Facebook question. “A little black and white feral kitten took up shelter in the garage.

“We would just get a flash of seeing it. We put out a box with a blanket in it, food and water. (It) took about a month to get her — yes, “her” and very pregnant — to let us touch her.

“She had four kittens. We kept two.

So ... Goliath gave us three cats.”

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Ben McDaniel is a Curry County commissioner. When a friend called for his help, he was reminded that he’s not just a public official; he’s a public servant.

The friend was away from home when the storm hit and found herself trapped at another friend’s house.

That meant her dog — Sophie, a border collie-mix — had been inside the house alone for about 18 hours when McDaniel was called to action.

“I have an SUV, so I drove across town, swerving around all the cars that were stuck — I more or less got stuck two times myself — and finally got there,” he said.

“I had to kinda break my way into the house (he used his driver’s license on the door lock, like a burglar), got the dog and picked it up and brought it home for a few days.”

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