Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Club notes - Jan. 8

Elida Extension Club

The Elida Extension Club hosted the annual Christmas luncheon for all county extension clubs. Upon arrival, the Elida Community Center members received a name tag with a number, to correspond with random numbers on the tables for seating. Lots of visiting took place while looking for their numbers.

President Panzy Jordan of Roosevelt Extension Council held a short meeting to inform members of January happenings. She gave a report on the 2016 state meeting in Las Vegas, New Mexico.

Carol fine gave a devotional and asked for ladies to tell about their most memorable Christmas. Six told stories and received snowmen that Elida's Club members made.

Lou Sikes, state president, installed 2017 officers for county council and all five county clubs. Debbie Moore played guitar and sang songs while the ladies joined in. Carol Fine led a prayer before everyone filled their plates.

Friendship Club

Friendship Extension Club held its Christmas/Secret Pal reveal party Dec. 7 at the Portales Senior Citizens building. President Cathy Wilhoit called a short meeting to order and read a devotional. Jeanne Walker was recognized as the new Vice President. Secret Pal sheets were filled out, collected and drawn for the year. Gifts were drawn for 2016 Secret Pals, passed out and opened. Refreshments were served.

Bethel Extension Club

Bethel Extension Club met Dec. 13 at Jean Mason's home for their Christmas party. President Mary Ann Danforth led a short meeting. a devotional was given by Jean Mason. Pat Terry read another funny story about being older. Mary Ann blessed the goodies in prayer. Nineteen enjoyed the food each brought to share. Lou Sikes started the White Elephant Auction with Jean Mason's help. All items brought at least $1. Sales totaled over $100.

Curry County Retired Educators

Eileen Massey called the meeting to order at 11:40 a.m., and welcomed members and guest speakers, Sen. Stuart Ingle and Sen. Pat Woods, who spoke about upcoming legislation and educational concerns. Budget deficits and continuing concerns on financing educational needs still impact our state. Retired educators were asked for their input on the issue of eliminating the Secretary of Education position and electing a State School Board. On another topic, everyone who wishes to obtain a current legal driver's license that allows them to board an airplane will have to provide documentation (list requirements can be obtained through your local DMV) prior to October 2020.

We invite all retired Curry County teachers to join us at K-Bob's at 11 a.m. Feb. 7 for the next meeting. This program will be about the proposed gun range at Ned Houk Park.

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