Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Pages past - Jan. 26

On this date ...

1977: Clovis Animal Shelter officials announced plans to hand out more citations while picking up fewer strays.

"We're going to concentrate on giving citations," Animal Warden Junior Romero said. "The people are at fault for letting their dogs run loose, not the dog."

Animal shelter personnel were instructed by city officials to "follow the dogs home and mail a citation to the dog owners," the Clovis News-Journal reported.

A first citation carried a $10 fine. Fines would increase with each citation, up to $100, Romero said.

1967: Clovis city commissioners went on record opposing a state Legislature plan to implement a one-cent gas tax in each municipality.

Clovis was the only major city in the state not having a one-cent gas tax.

Texico was among smaller communities that had imposed the tax.

Pages Past is compiled by Editor David Stevens. Contact him at: [email protected]

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