Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
A resource that helps area residents get in touch with vital services is celebrating a milestone in 2017.
United Way of Eastern New Mexico's 2-1-1 hotline turns 10 years old in 2017, carrying a track record of 14,000 callers with it into the new year.
According to a press release by UWENM, callers have been directed to a diverse range of services, including domestic violence shelters, food resources, and organizations that distribute clothes and furniture.
In 2016, 2-1-1's call volume was 1,593, compared to 567 in 2007, according to the hotline's call tracking report.
The convenience of a three digit number makes finding help a streamlined process for those in need, said 2-1-1 Director Patricia Bazar.
"It cuts down on the confusion of making multiple calls to folks, just to get turned down. Whenever you call 2-1-1, you're going to get directed to resources, if they are available," she said, "and we're honest with folks. We don't send them on a wild goose chase."
Bazar offered a tangible example of what the hotline has done for area residents, recalling a recent story.
"In December, we were able to speak with someone over the phone, send them to resources, just talk with them through their situation. Then, in January, she called and said, 'Hey, I'm sorry that it took so long for me to get back to you, but I just wanted to let you know that, with your help, we were able to make it through the holidays, and we are still in our home. We have a roof over our head, and we're doing OK,'" she said.
Tom Martin, 2-1-1's chair on UWENM's board of directors, viewed the hotline as "a wonderful resource for people, to help in their daily lives."
He noted that there exist many people who are unaware of the resources available to them in their time of need.
"This gives them a contact point, where they can ask for pretty much any information and help on getting assistance, whether it's housing, whether it's utility help, whether it's any type of basic life issues that they have," he said.
According to Bazar, events are planned throughout 2017 to celebrate the anniversary, including a 10k run in March, a diaper drive in June, and a storyteller's luncheon in November. Dates for the events are to be decided.