Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

On the shelves - Jan. 29

The following books are available for checkout at:

Clovis-Carver Public Library

Salmon: Everything You Need to Know by Diane Morgan is your new go-to cookbook on everything salmon, with information on salmon fishing; tips on buying, cleaning, and storing; the ins and outs of different species; plus 45 delicious recipes like Scandinavian-Style Gravlax, Roasted Salmon with Lemon, Fennel, and Onion, plus Salmon Wrapped in Cedar-Wood Shakes.

Mary Donoho: New First Lady of the Santa Fe Trail by Marian Meyer narrates on the life of the first woman to survive the rugged and grueling crossing of the Santa Fe Trail in 1833, living in Santa Fe until the Perez Rebellion four years later. After her husband's death and while raising her six children, she ran the legendary Donoho Hotel in Clarkesville, Texas, portraying a fascinating image of the undaunted pioneer woman of the past.

City of Dreams: The 400-Year Epic History of Immigrant New York by Tyler Anbinder presents an amazing picture of the waves of millions cascading upon New York City shores over the centuries, more than all other entry points combined. Their stories overflow with innovators and artists, revolutionaries and rioters, staggering deprivation and soaring triumphs, all against the backdrop of this powerful city, ever changing, yet uniquely itself.

The Lincoln League by Doug Peterson captures the drama inspired by the real life of John Scobell, and what begins for him and his wife Peg as a fight for honor, glory, and freedom, then turns into a fight just to survive. Among the first in our nation's intelligence service, their story shares the little-known account of an extensive network of African American spies operating right under the noses of Southern masters during the Civil War.

Home Country by nationally syndicated columnist, Slim Randles, is a delightful compilation of articles that that have entertained readers for many years. Some are humorous, featuring characters who gather each morning over coffee at the Mule Barn Truck Stop to solve the world's problems and plan mischief; others are beautifully nostalgic about the blessings of life and love and family and friends; but all will take you back to the place where you can kick your shoes off anytime you want and just be yourself, home.

Shadow of the Storm by Connilyn Cossette continues the saga “Out of Egypt” with the story of Shira, a small, strong, and humble Levite woman with hidden hurts and a steady hand. Throughout the Exodus, she struggles to find a path for herself in this new world all the while remaining strong in her faith in God, yet shaky in her faith in men. When Shira is unexpectedly pulled into helping a midwife deliver a baby, she begins a journey in her heart and life that changes her forever, ultimately becoming a strong force that stands for what she believes in and learning to love herself as well.

— Summaries by library staff

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