Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Pages past - Jan. 29

On this date ...

1977: Comedian Freddie Prinze, star of television’s “Chico and the Man,” died 33 hours after he shot himself in the head.

Friends said he was despondent over the breakup of his year-long marriage and the pressures of his hectic career, The Associated Press reported.

An emergency room nurse who treated Prinze was heard to say, “Hang on! The world needs all the laughter it can get,” AP reported.

Prinze was 22.

1972: Col. Richard E. Little had assumed command of the 27th Tactical Fighter Wing at Cannon Air Force Base, succeeding Col. Charles E. Francis.

Little began his career as an aviation cadet in 1949. He flew 101 combat missions during the Korean conflict.

1967: Clovis’ new post office was open at Fourth and Gidding streets.

Postmaster Charlie Stanfield said lines had been steady and long as customers signed up to obtain keys to boxes.

The federal building also housed Selective Services, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Federal Housing Administration, along with recruiters for the Navy and Marines.

Pages Past is compiled by Editor David Stevens. Contact him at: [email protected]

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