Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Candidate Q&As: School board, District 1

Editor's note: We asked candidates in contested school board races about their thoughts and goals for the position.

Joshua Crisp is running against Kyle Snider for District 1 on the Clovis Municipal Schools Board of Education. Early voting runs through Friday, with election day Tuesday.

Name: Joshua Crisp

Age: 35

Occupation: BNSF Railways/Business owner

Running for: Clovis Municipal School Board, District 1

Why are you running for the position?

I was born and raised in Clovis. I attended and graduated from Clovis High School. My wife is a teacher in the district and I have two children that attend Clovis Schools. My goal is to improve our children's education, fill teacher vacancies with qualified teachers and build morale between parents, students, teachers, support staff and administration - so we can come together as a team and tackle issues using fresh, new ideas. Finally, I want to implement changes that are long overdue, to ensure the success of our children's education.

What experience do you have that you feel qualifies you for this board position?

As a business owner and manager with BNSF railways, I manage a large budget in order for the company to run effectively and efficiently. In this position, I work with people addressing their concerns, developing corrective actions and implementing their ideas.

What is one issue with state education and how would you as a board member try to solve it?

One issue in state education is New Mexico's education ranking. As a board member, I would gather as much information from my district as to why our district may be failing. With that information, I would find ideas to help our district be an exception in the state. I don't think one district can change the outcome of the whole state, but I could feel confident our district would not be part of the cause of the low education ranking. On a state level, I would commit time to work with our legislators to find solutions to our states problem.

What is something you think schools, whether it's your specific district or schools on a state or national scale, could do more efficiently?

I think implementing consistent practices and policies across the district, supporting our teachers and more parent involvement would help make our district more efficient.

What do you, as a board member, think is the best thing you can do for students at your school in the upcoming term?

I think students are in need of consistency in the classrooms. We have many unfilled teaching positions, where there may be a long-term substitute teacher or it may be where they have five different substitutes in one week. How can relationships be made to reach every student with his or her needs? How is that creating a safe and effective learning environment, when kids don't know who their teacher will be the next day? These are questions any concerned parent or community member should have. I want to be sure our kids are getting the best education they can, because they are our future.

What do you think is the best way you can help your school's teachers in the upcoming term?

Let teachers' voices be heard. Our teachers need support and in order to give them the support they need, we need to find out first hand what is wrong with our district and what we can do to help them. How can we lighten their workloads, implement consistency in our practices and policies and just let them do their job and teach?

Name: Kyle Snider

Age: 45

Occupation: Electrical contractor

Running for: Clovis Municipal School Board, District 1

Why are you running for the position?

I believe that improving educational opportunities for the children of Clovis is the key to improving our community. I have been participating in trainings provided by the state during the last four years and have attended some National School Board Association trainings so that I am a more informed board members. I believe that I understand the function of the board and can work through our goals to improve the education our kids receive in Clovis.

What experience do you have that you feel qualifies you for this board position?

During the first four years of my term I have held the position of board president, which allows me to be involved in establishing agendas for meetings so I have a sense of what's important. I have participated in discussions and meetings with legislators so they understand the needs of our students. Most importantly, I have three children attending Clovis Municipal Schools.

What is one issue with state education and how would you as a board member try to solve it?

The main issue right now is funding. The other board members and I are working to contact local legislators so they understand our concerns. We are asking them to explore alternative funding solutions to the current budget crisis. Our district has worked hard to be responsible for the money that is given to them and now they are going to be punished for that because the state is going to take our cash balance.

What is something you think schools, whether it's your specific district or schools on a state or national scale, could do more efficiently?

The first thing that comes to mind is to increase energy efficiency. Our district works hard to participate in energy savings programs in order to save money on utilities. We are also going to begin a partnership for water reuse in the city. These savings give us more money to spend on educational support for students.

What do you, as a board member, think is the best thing you can do for students at your school in the upcoming term?

I want to provide them a quality education in safe, well-maintained buildings. I also believe we need to work hard to maintain and recruit qualified teachers. We just approved giving teachers who are new to our district a sign-on incentive to encourage them to work for us. We are going to continue to look for money to help us reward the teachers who stay with us.

What do you think is the best way you can help your school's teachers in the upcoming term?

I believe we need to let them know how important they are to us by finding ways to give them incentives to stay in Clovis. I believe we need to continue to support them by spending money on professional development and equipment to make their job easier. I also think it is important for us to fight for a fairer, simpler teacher evaluation system.