Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
CLOVIS — During Thursday’s regular meeting the Clovis city commission approved a measure that prohibits alcohol consumption at the Clovis Municipal Airport.
“The Clovis city commission finds that the consumption of alcoholic beverages at the city owned and operated Clovis Municipal Airport is inconsistent with aviation activities and should be prohibited,” per Ordinance 2082-2017. “Title 16, Chapter 16.04, Section 16.04.170 should be amended to prohibit the consumption of alcoholic beverage at Clovis Municipal Airport.”
The ordinance amendment was passed 7-1, with Commissioner Fidel Madrid casting the lone dissenting vote.
“The only problem I have with this, I don’t think it can be enforced,” he said. “And I think that people should be old enough to be able to make up their own minds on this. I don’t see where the city has to be telling people what to do.”
City attorney David Richards offered the following response to Madrid’s concern.
“The only consideration that was discussed before the airport board is this is city property,” he said. “There’s no alcohol allowed on any other city property, except where the city is in control of the sale and distribution of alcohol. And one of the other comments was consumption of alcohol at the airport and then driving on the roads presents some degree of safety hazard if individuals engage in alcohol consumption at the airport.”
During the discussion Mayor David Lansford asked Richards what the ramifications would be if the ordinance is violated.
“There is a specific state statute that authorizes the city to adopt and enforce ordinances relating to airports that are located outside of the city limits,” Richards said. “So this violation would be cited into the municipal court.”
In other meeting actions:
• The commission granted approval to introduction of an ordinance amending the dedication of a municipal local option gross receipts tax.
“Since 1997, the city has had in existence a gross receipts tax ordinance of one-eighth of 1 percent,” Richards said. “Previously that was split, with one-16th of 1 percent dedicated to solid waste and one-16th dedicated to the general fund. The revenue review committee that met last fall suggested it be amended that the full one-eighth be dedicated to the general fund. The procedure for changing the dedication of gross receipts tax funds requires the ordinance be amended, that the amendment be completed more than 90 days prior to either Jan 1 or July 1 and once completed be transmitted to the Taxation and Revenue Department.”
• Feb. 11 was proclaimed as the United Way’s 2-1-1 10-year Anniversary.
• Commission members approved $3,000 in Lodger’s Tax funds toward the Clovis Evening Lions Club Gun, Knife and Coin Show.