Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities

Pages past - Feb. 22

On this date ...

1997: U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici, R-New Mexico, spent time in Clovis, Portales and Cannon Air Force Base, talking about prospects for a balanced budget and getting along with Democrats.

"In the past four years, with a Republican-dominated Congress, we made real strides with welfare reform and eliminating some programs," Domenici told the Clovis News-Journal. "But we spent most of that time in a confrontation mode with the White House and the Democrats.

"We've decided to work with the president (Bill Clinton), and he seems willing to work with us, so I'm optimistic we might get a balanced budget passed. We still need to do some major reforms ... the president's budget is not very bold, but he says he wants to fix things - he wants to leave that legacy. And we'll probably give him that opportunity."

1962: Summer baseball organizers were asking Clovis city officials for improvements at Bell Park.

The field once home to the professional Clovis Pioneers baseball teams needed new lighting, water system repairs and dirt on the infield, city commissioners were told.

Costs for all improvements were estimated at $1,000 to $1,200.

Commissioners asked for an itemized list of costs associated with each repair and said they would consider approval.

Pages Past is compiled by Editor David Stevens. Contact him at: [email protected]

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