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ENMU president: Regent search in governor's hands

The vacancy left open by the sudden passing of Eastern New Mexico University Regent Susan Tatum is now in the hands of New Mexico’s governor, according to ENMU President Steven Gamble.

“We have notified the governor’s office about Miss Tatum’s passing, and requested an appointment,” said Gamble, adding that the university stated a preference for a regent from Clovis, where Tatum — who passed away Feb. 7 — lived.

“Clovis is so important to Eastern New Mexico University that we would like to have a person on the board from Clovis, just like we always have one from Portales. That’s totally up to the governor, if that’s how she wants to do it,” he said.

The choice of who will replace Tatum is Governor Susana Martinez’ sole responsibility, according to Gamble, who added that the university is never asked to recommend a candidate.

“She (Martinez) has consistently appointed good people to our board, and we’re certain she’ll do that again,” he said.

Gamble added that while ENMU would like to have a new regent appointed as soon as possible, he was not aware of any prospective timeline in which the appointment would occur.

An official from the governor’s office could not be reached for comment as of press time.

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