Serving Clovis, Portales and the Surrounding Communities
On this date ...
1997: A Portales woman had been named one of four Legacy Award winners for her work through Roosevelt County's Community Services Center.
Dolores Penrod founded the CSC in 1965 because "there was a terrible need in the community for a place for those who needed help."
CSC provided about 50 services and included 600 volunteers who did everything from make baby clothes to build wheelchair ramps and tutor children.
"I tell people I'm the community nag," Penrod told a newspaper reporter.
1992: Clovis High math teacher Esther Steinle was leading efforts for a Purple Pride program.
"Basically, the program is designed to make students aware of how important academics, attendance and punctuality are," Steinle said.
She said similar programs across the country had stimulated academic achievement, increased college-entrance test scores and reduced the dropout rate.
Pages Past is compiled by Editor David Stevens. Contact him at: