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Petproofing goes a long way toward saving lives

Sandwiches disappear when backs are turned. The contents of upended trash cans mysteriously scatter through the house. Strange dents and punctures appear on remote controls. And soil constantly jumps from the pots of houseplants, which, incidentally, must be fighting with one another because huge chunks are missing from their leaves.

Any one of these strange occurrences might justify a call to a poltergeist removal service — unless there is a pet in the house.

Regardless of species or breed, pets can be expected to get curious, hungry, or downright destructive at one time or another, and in most households with critters, the human folk learn the hard way.

“Taste first” is the animal modus operandi.

Small critters are pros at investigating with their teeth, chewing as they explore.

Cats will scale counters and refrigerators to chew the leaves of plants and scratch at the potting soil, birds peck paint from walls and pull at loose threads.

And dogs … well most dogs, if given half a chance, will eat shoes, plants, trash, small electronic devices, children’s toys, furniture … you name it.

This week is National Poison Prevention Week — the third week in March was designated as such in 1962, with the aim of raising public awareness to the risks, frequency and consequences of unintentional poisonings — and animal experts hope to also increase pet owner awareness about accidental poisoning.

According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, in 2016, its Animal Poison Control Center received 180,639 cases via a 24-hour hotline service that provides poison-related emergency information to pet owners.

The 2016 top-ten list of pet-ingested toxins:

1. Human prescription medications — the most common including heart medications, antidepressants and ADHD medications

2. Over-the-counter medications, with ibuprofen topping the list.

3. Food. Human foods such as onions, garlic, grapes, raisins and alcohol are cause for concern because of the dangers they pose, particularly to dogs.

4. Veterinary products. Over-the-counter joint supplements and prescription pain medications are often made to be tasty for pets making them dangerously tempting.

5. Household items. Paint, glue and cleaning supplies are things around the house pets sometimes ingest.

6. Chocolate. The APCC reports it receives about 39 calls daily about dogs that have eaten chocolate, which they love despite the fact it’s dangerous for them.

7. Insecticides. Chemicals to kill insects are dangerous to pets, particularly if label instructions are not followed carefully.

8. Rodenticides. Poisons used to kill rats and mice can have the same effect for pets.

9. Plants. Indoor and outdoor plants and flower bouquets should be researched for their toxicity potential before placed in a home with pets.

10. Garden products. Often having a strong odor pets find appealing, store fertilizers, herbicides and fungicides where pets can’t reach them and supervise pets when outdoors.

Any time it’s suspected a pet has ingested a toxin, pet owners should seek information about potential poising by contacting the APCC hotline — 888-426-4435, and note there is a charge for the service — or a veterinarian, according to a press release from the Texas Veterinary Medical Association.

If, however, a pet is vomiting, staggering, unconscious or experiencing seizures, the animal should be taken immediately to the nearest veterinary clinic.

Most cases of pet poisoning can be avoided by learning about substances that pose a hazard to critters and taking care to keep toxic foods, medications, plants and household items where they can’t get to them.

It may feel like childproofing — and in essence it is because critters of all ages are full of curiosity and playfulness — but taking a little extra care in homes shared with pets may just save their lives.

Sharna Johnson is always searching for ponies. You can reach her at:

[email protected]